2 - Yoo Jeongyeon

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Yoo Jeongyeon...

I shook my head quickly, not again, I couldn't get a proper sleep last night because the mysterious girl keeps on running on my mind. What the hell is wrong with me, I didn't even know the girl and yet here I am, stuck on the thoughts of her.


I mean how could she get me all curious just like that? I don't waste my attention in meaningless things, so how could this tall girl-

"Im Nayeon!" I snapped back to reality when I heard my name.

I squinted my eyes at Momo who was foolishly waving her hands in front of me, "What is it?" I grumbled.

"You're spacing out again, just like how you were yesterday and a while ago in class," She stated before munching on her fries.

The two of us were currently in the school's cafeteria as it was already our break. Sana was still preoccupied with modelling for our school, the two of us were expected to model together, but the difference is I was already oriented about the project.

"What got you so lost in your mind, anyway?" She asked.

"Nothing," I quickly replied which made her raise a brow at me.

"Really?" She smirked, "Hmm~ could it be someone that's in your mind?" She teased.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I noticed it you know," She said, "You were staring at some tall girl at the café the other day."

I felt my cheeks heat up out of embarrassment from getting caught, "I was not staring," I denied.

"Uhuh~ keep telling yourself that," She giggled, "I must say, the girl was beautiful, wasn't she?"

I rolled my eye at her and just remained quiet. Momo was right though, that Yoo Jeongyeon girl was indeed beautiful. I shook my head once again, why do I keep thinking about her!

I was snapped out of my daze when Momo gasped exaggeratedly, "Oh my god, Tzuyu's here!" She exclaimed as her eyes trained on the maknae who just arrived at the cafeteria.

The room buzzed in excitement when the students saw who were the people entering the cafeteria and all eyes were trained on either Tzuyu or Dahyun, what can I say, even though they're juniors they are still popular. Dahyun smiled at some students who greeted them, same with Tzuyu but the younger one is a little reserved. I watched in amusement as Momo straightened up when some guy gave Tzuyu some flowers.

"Roses?" Momo snorted, "That's so cheesy, Tzuyu doesn't even like roses, "

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Momo's jaw drop in surprise when Tzuyu accepted the flowers with a smile on her face. My poor best friend doesn't know what she's gonna do.

"That is why you, my friend," I patted her shoulder, "Should make a move already,"

Without hesitation Momo headed towards where the two maknaes stood. She purposely bump the guy aside before wrapping her arms around Tzuyu, turning her around for a hug, I chuckled when Momo glared and shooed the guy away behind Tzuyu's back. The oblivious tall maknae just smiled at Momo before they head back towards our table.

"Nayeon-unnie," Tzuyu and Dahyun both greeted me.

"Hello," I beamed at them, "Have you eaten lunch yet?"


We we're interrupted when we heard some squealing as the the doors of the cafeteria once again burst open. Sana stepped in confidently, her eyes searching and a playful smile playing on her lips. Momo rolled her eyes when we saw some fangirls crowding around Sana and she's clearly enjoying the attention.

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