10 - Changing

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Two weeks came faster than I expected and  Nayeon's birthday will be the day after tomorrow. Nayeon told me about how she's going to skip classes tomorrow on Friday because she'll be preparing the things needed for the celebration. My classes already ended and it was fortunate that Nayeon's classes wouldn't end until six in the evening, I can already imagine how she would have herself follow me wherever I go if our classes ended at the same time. I couldn't possibly have her when I buy her a birthday present...

"Have you found something you like?" A saleslady approached me with a polite smile, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Uhh-I'm looking for a present and I don't know what to pick," I awkwardly explained.

"Okay, can you tell me what your boyfriend likes?" She asked.

"No boyfriend," I instantly answered while vigorously shaking my head.

"Oh, well a gift for your girlfriend then?" She asked again.

"I-it's for a f-friend and she's a girl," I stammered and I'm pretty sure I could beat a tomato because of how red I am.

"I'm sorry," The lady apologized, "What kind of girl is your friend?"

"Well, she's perfect," and that's where I facepalmed in front of the lady who looks at me  in amusement, "That's not what I meant."

"She already has everything because she's rich," I explained, "It's her birthday this Saturday and I don't know what to give her."

"If she already has everything, don't you think something from you would suit her?"

"Really? Will she like that?" I asked the lady and she nodded.

"You're friends right?" She smiled at me, "If it comes from you, surely she'd love it."

The lady guided me to another glass cabinets where something caught my eyes, it was a simple black necklace, there's no jewellery, only a thin strand of a black line. I was immediately drawn to it and I knew it would look good on Nayeon, not that there's anything that wouldn't look good on her.

"I'll take this," I smiled at the lady.

I stepped out of the shop holding a bag that contains Nayeon's present. I glanced on the time on my watch and I sighed, seven is too early for me to go back to their house, I don't have to work on my part-time job today so I don't have any excuse to arrive late at my mom's house today. I feel myself getting gloomier at the thought of seeing my mother pretend like everything's alright when stepdad acts like the Satan spawn that he is whenever he sees me. I hate it. I hate my life.

"Hey, hot stuff!"

I snapped out of my darkening thoughts when I heard someone call out just ahead of me. I raised my head to look in that direction to see two girls, one blonde and one black-haired. The slightly taller blonde was waving crazily at me and when I squint my eyes, it only occurs to me that the two girls are Sana and Momo, Nayeon's best friends. I waved at them unsurely and Sana immediately grabbed Momo before walking towards me.

"Sana can you for once act normal?" I heard Momo grumble when they're near me, "Who the hell shouts in the middle of the mall?"

I guessed it was Sana who called out.

"Oh please, no one even noticed," Sana retorted. It was obvious that everyone did notice though.

"Jeongyeon!" My eyes widened when Sana engulfed me in her arms for a hug. I see Momo shaking her head at Sana's antics.

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