3 - First Impressions

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"Nayeon, are you coming with us?" Momo called out to me.

I turned to them, then to my unfinished assignment, "No, it's alright," I smiled at her, "I just have to finish this now,"

Momo pouted before nodding. Sana then walked back to me and pecked my cheeks, "See you tomorrow," She smiled.

They both waved at me goodbye and I waited until they are out of the library doors before turning back to my school work. My english teacher from hell decided it was fun to make us translate a Korean short story into English. Now I'm here trying to get this over with in the now isolated library of the university, it was already getting late and I couldn't finish this at home without getting completely sidetracked.

I sighed as I leaned back on the chair while stretching my bones out when I'm finally finished with my work. My eyes widened when I took up the dark sky on the windows, I checked my watch and sure, it was ten minutes before six. I hurriedly packed up my stuff and walked out of the empty library, the school automatically closes every six in the evening, I clearly don't want to be locked in here. Passing along the quiet hallway, I halted in my steps when I heard some game noises, I looked around only to find one of the classrooms had an open door.

The noise was coming from inside the classroom which made me stepped closer to see what's inside. Slowly, I entered the room, I squinted my eyes to see better on the dim lit room, I was looking around when a figure caught my eyes. I hesitantly stepped closer only to see that it was a girl playing some game on her phone, the girl has short hair just past her shoulders, glasses rimmed her eyes and her figure was covered by a thick coat, she seemed oblivious of her surroundings as she was sat comfortably with her feet on top of a table. There's something familiar about those short hair and glasses...

I cleared my throat to get her attention, "Hey, what are you still doing here?"

She turned to face me and I was surprised to know that it was Yoo Jeongyeon, "None of your business," She uttered.

Well that was rude. Impression ruined.

Crossing my arms, I scoffed at her, "I just want to remind you that the school closes in-"

My sentence was cut short when a buzzing sound echoed around before all lights turned off and the door automatically closes. Don't tell me- I quickly rushed towards the door, trying to open it and when it didn't budge, it means we're locked in.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I exclaimed.

"I can't be locked in! What to do? The school opens back tomorrow but I can't spend a night in here!" I ranted panickly.

"Relax, someone takes rounds in the hallways every night in here,"

I turned to Jeongyeon who was still in her casual position, she didn't even look  a bit phased. But that's not what amazed me, it's her eyes. How can a pair of brown eyes be that beautiful?

What the hell am I thinking? I'm locked in at school and I'm fawning over a pair of brown eyes?!

I casually cleared my throat as I begrudgingly sat on the desk beside her, observing her quietly, her cool demeanour, knowing that the school closes and that someone's taking rounds, I couldn't help but wonder, does she get locked in often?

"Stop staring, that's rude," She grumbled.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "And you're rude," I retaliated.

"You're Yoo Jeongyeon, right?" Even though I already knew her name, I still asked.

She gave a humourless chuckle, "I'm impressed you actually knew my name,"

The Broken Girl At Table 9Where stories live. Discover now