Twins- Criminal Minds Fan Fiction (1)

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“Today we are staying in Virginia. Twenty-six year old Maddie Jenkins woke up this morning to find her two nine year old daughters Evelyn and Jessica to be missing. She says she put them to bed last night at nine PM then went to sleep. Supposedly the Father doesn’t know about the two girls and she is adamant in not mentioning the Father’s name.  We have questioned her, but she is not considered a suspect, and the two girls aren’t in school yet, as the family only just moved to Virginia,” I explained.

“So do you think the Father could have found out that he has two daughters and took them?” Morgan questioned.

“Possibly, but she doesn’t seem to want anyone to know who he is, so obviously she doesn’t worry that it’s him, but one of us will need to find out about him. I told the officer in charge that a few of us will meet with him and Maddie, whilst the others look through their home,” I stated.

Hotch nodded giving us our duties. Hotch; Rossi and I were going to speak to Maddie, whilst Emily, Morgan and Reid were going to look through her home to find out any more information.

As we the three of us reached the police station I had no idea what she would be like. She was a young mother who was overly distressed but I didn’t know how she’d be about us prying about the Father of her children.

Hotch decided that it was best for me to speak to her first without either of the other two. I walked into the room to see the young woman in tears clutching a piece of paper in her hand.

As I took a seat opposite to her I smiled softly.

“I’m Jennifer,” I smiled.

“Maddie but I guessed you already knew that,” She sighed.

Smiling softly I began to talk to her, “So tell me about you and your daughters.”

She sighed rubbing her eyes that were puffy and had tear tracks lining her cheeks.

“They are nine, and we lived in England until they were seven, then I decided it’d be better to live in America as I didn’t have anything holding me there. I took up photography and worked whilst they were at school but we moved to Virginia because I wanted to try and find their Father. That’s why I don’t want you to know who he is, because he doesn’t know, he left and didn’t want to know whether I was pregnant or not just now I’m in America I thought it’d be a good idea to tell him,” She stated quietly, “The police think I couldn’t handle the two girls and killed them. Why would I want the only two people I have left dead? Yes they were hard to take care of and being a teen mum wasn’t great, but I need my girls back.”

I could tell she was being completely sincere. No matter what the police thought, she may not being the perfect mother but she loved her daughters more than anything else.

Emily’s POV

We had made our way to Maddie’s house. It was small but beautiful, even though there were a lot of things still in boxes. We made our way straight to the two girl’s room. It was plain white with bunk beds and a desk. There were photos taped to the walls and framed on the table.

The twins looked identical other than one had blond hair and the other had light brown hair and the brunette one had glasses. Every photo had at least one of them in and if they weren’t together they had their Mum in it.

“They certainly seemed close to their Mum,” I smiled.

“Yeah, if Maddie was really the one to get rid of her daughters the whole concept of profiling would be destroyed. She loves the two girls, she moved across the world to give them a better life. She was seventeen when they were born, most teen mums generally fall off the handle and her parents will be helping a lot but she moved to a new country,” Reid stated.

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