{6} Space Dykes have feelings too!

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"Janis you really don't have to go, I wouldn't recommend it!"

Janis shook her head a sniggered as she slammed her locker door shut with a bang! "Geez, (Y/N), I know but what would Regina say if I didn't go?" She put the bright pink envelope in her denim jacket pocket and you traced one of the hand-painted patches on her shoulder as your friend leaned against the wall. "Plus, your going, so I'll be fine!"

You smiled to yourself, not only was Janis an amazing artist, but she was also dashingly beautiful in your eyes! However, she was straight and she deserved better.

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)!" Her voice snapped you out of dreamland.

"Oh! Sorry, yes?" You said stuttering, causing you to blush!

"We were talking about Regina's party remember? You ARE going, right? It would be nice to have a friend there." She muttered the last part but you heard it anyway.

Not wanting your gay emotions to get the better of you, you faked a gag, Regina may be your friend but your only friends with her because Janis is, "Hell no! Regina's a fu-"

"Regina is what?" A malicious voice questioned behind you, her minty breath in your ear, the smell of strawberry lip gloss, sweet perfume and stiff body language against yours.

You just insulted Regina George, and she heard it!

You turned around to face a blond, pink, stylish Satin with blue eyes that pierced into your soul with Gretchen and Karen standing behind her.

"Shit..." Janis muttered whilst standing up from her previous relaxed position to stand next to you. "Hey Regina, Karen and is that Gretchen? Your hair is lovely today and Karen, your outfit is on point!"

"Zip it Sarkisian!" Regina spat and Janis sank into her shell, no one could make her scared, no one except Regina! "Now please (L/N)... amuse me and finish that sentence."

In a matter or 5 seconds, Regina George had turned from being your friend and painting your nails into a monstrous beast from hell, ready to ruin your life! It was like you had never known her sweet side, like last night has never happened.

Janis gripped your hand, and mumbled in your ear, "please (Y/N) don't."

Regina's' eyes caught on to Janis and she smirked evilly.

"Oh that reminds me, Jana-"

"Her name is Janis." you pointed out,

'Oh shut up (Y/N) nobody cares!" Janis tightened her hand around yours as Regina continued her original statement, "now Janis," she glanced at you before returning her stare to you best friend and crush. "I need to 'un-invite you from my birthday because I think you're a 'lesbo' and my party is a pool party and I don't want you molesting us".

You felt your blood boil and looked daringly over at Janis expect ing her to throw a punch or a witty comeback but she was standing there with a look of terror and embarrassment on her face.

"Janis..." you whispered as her eyes darted around the hall.

"So Janis... Regina interrupted you, "are you a 'lesbo' or what?"

Janis said nothing.

"What are you?!"

"I- im...i... I AM A SPACE ALIEN AND I HAVE FOUR BUTTS!" Janis yelled while shutting her eyes and grabbing your hand even tighter for comfort

and Regina noticed this...

Regina noticed it all too happily.

"Oh my God!" She smirked and then started laughing hysterically, "JANIS AND (Y/N) ARE BOTH DYKES!" Janis dropped you hand like it was infected and started to back away slowly but you grabbed her jacket sleeve because Regina wasn't winning that easily. "AND THEY'RE DAT-" she was cut off by a slap to the face.

Janis Sarkisian x reader imagines and images!Where stories live. Discover now