{5} A scolding hot burn!

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After one of the best sleeps of you entire life, you walked to school with Janis. All you talked about where movies,

"Have you seen The Lion King?" Janis asked again,

"I think I slept through that one..."

"Okay, how about Star Wars?"

"Only the first 3, but then I started to get board."

"Which 3 is that?" Janis asked in confusion.

"The first 3..." you replied also very confused now,

"Did you watch the ones with young Anikin Skywalker or Darth Vader?" Janis finally enquired with a sigh.

"Oh! The young Anikin ones! I had just seen Darth Vader be formed in the last one!"

"That's probably why you were board!" Janis said, holding the door open for you as you walked into school.

"How about Harry Potter?" Janis asked leaning against her locker wide-eyed.

"Harry Who?" You replied back, closing your locker with a bang.

"OH MY GOD (Y/N)! MY PLACE TONIGHT AT NINE!" Janis screamed over the bell!


Unfortunately, Harry Potter would have to wait because Regina invited you to her house for 'a surprise!' Her 'cool mom' picked you all up outside school and drove you to her large and extremely nice house! You gasped when you stepped inside. Its main theme was white and pink with a hint of cream. A pink baby's crib stood rocking in the corner of the front room for Regina's little sister.

"You girls want anything? Regina do you want some shrimp, with that butter flavoured-"

"MOM!" Regina shrieked halfway up the stairs, "I'm on an all carb diet! Why won't you leave me alone?! Come on girls."

Regina George's room, like her house, was huge! Apparently she made her parents trade her two weeks ago and just finished re-decorating. Everything was pink! Full on pink! Bed? Pink. Wardrobe? Pink. Rug? Pink! Doors? PINK! Pillows? PINK!! (You get it.)

Regina took control immediately. This was her room and her rules. According to Janis, this was the 'Lions den'. Always watch your back.

"Do you like it?" Regina asked, taking a selfie on her bed with Karen.

"It's very... pink." You replied and Janis looked at you in horror!

"Is it just pink?" Regina questioned,

"Yea, but it gives it a fashionable feel, it makes it look bigger and brighter. Personally, I like it but my parents will never let me paint the walls." You said calmly, even though you where shaking inside.

"Wow (Y/N), I never knew you had such a designer mind!" Karen smiled putting her hand on your shoulder.

"I don't think that's what it's called Karen-"

"Really?" Regina interrupted, "you really think that it's fashionable?"

"Yea definitely! Everything about you guys is fashionable."

Regina smiled and clicked her fingers at Gretchen, taking selfies on her phone. "Get the book." She snapped and Gretchen responded like a well trained puppy.

"(Y/N), this is our Burn Book." Regina snatched a large pink book from Gretchen's hands and Janis appeared by you side, gripping into your arm. You could feel yourself relaxing at her touch.

"It's filled with people we hate." Karen said bluntly.

"It's stop secret." Regina reminded you.

"We cut out people's photos from the year book and wrote Lena things about them." Gretchen added.

"You mustn't tell anyone." Regina said again,

"We're trusting you (Y/N)." Janis said softly.

"Look! Trang Pak is a grotsky little byotch." Gretchen laughed turning a page,

"Bethany Byrd has an amazing ability to suppress her gag reflex. Uses Super Jumbo Tampons... slut." Regina laughed menacingly.

"Amber D'Alessio made out with a hot dog." Karen smiled.

You seriously questioned some of the things written in this book.

"Dawn Schweitzer is a fat virgin and has a huge ass..." Gretchen laughed.

"That's true." Regina turned the page.

"Muckleroy takes medication for the boil on his backside!" Janis laughed, making your heart melt.

"This book is amazing!" You said smiling and enjoying the power.

"It's awesome!" Karen agreed, twisting a strand of her blond hair.

"It's fetch!" Gretchen said!

"What is Fetch?" Janis asked amused as you all sat on the bed.

"It's like slang." Karen interrupted walking over with a load of nail varnish.

"From England!" Gretchen finished, choosing a hot pink to start painting her nails with.

"Karen, go help Janis in the bathroom she needs to re-apply her makeup properly and (Y/N), what shade?" Regina asked holding up two pink varnishes one dark and the other pale.

"Oh I don't think I need any."

"Of course you do! Now, which one?"

"The pale one please." You both sat on the bed, with one hand holding onto Harry Potter: And the Philosophers Stone that Janis had picked out of the library at lunch for you to read before watching the movie, and the other hand laid out for Regina to paint.

"Your other hand" Regina said flatly.

"What?" You looked up, surprised by the sound of Regina's voice as you had been too engrossed in your novel.

"Your. Other. Hand."

"Oh, right!" You switched hands but couldn't get back into reading your book.

For a while, Regina was talking about random girls in your grade, should she add them to the Burn Book or not? The whole thing made you uncomfortable, but you just left it. Then she eventually mentioned Janis, which got your attention.

"Why doesn't Janis want to date ANY of the guys I try to set her up with?" Regina asked.

Without thinking, you answered, which you regretted immediately "I don't know" you shrugged "maybe she's into girls"

"You think she's a lesbian?" Regina demanded.

"No! I don't know... forget I said anything!" You stuttered blushing.

"Okay. I'll forget."

But Regina didn't forget.

Janis Sarkisian x reader imagines and images!Where stories live. Discover now