{4} Alien, Scream, Jaws and the flu

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Once Janis had showed you Alien, Scream and finally Jaws, it was about 2am and you where out for the count! The last thing you remember was watching the shark blow up and the quote, "I think we need a bigger boat." Until you finally drifted off to sleep.

Janis turned off the TV when she heard a small snore come from below her. She turned to see you resting your head on her shoulder, in the crook of her neck. Janis' heart filled with warmth and she got butterflies watching your chest heave heavily up and then back down. She slowly, trying not to wake you, got off the couch and picked you up bridal style and took you over to the small single bed. Janis placed your limb body on the unmade duvet but you didn't let go of her jacket, you wouldn't let go of her jacket! Janis tried to pull you small fingertips from the sleeve until you stirred. She stopped immediately, holding her breath, not wanting to wake you.

You felt your body move and the dream you where having about Janis changed, Karen appeared as an Alien and tried to lay eggs in your stomach and chased you around the school. Then Gretchen appeared in a mask that the guy in 'Scream' wears, holding a knife and tried to stab you, until Janis butted in, she picked you up bridal style and carried you all the way to the beach, where you thought you saw movement in the water, you saw Regina finally emerge out of the water as a shark and you wouldn't let go of Janis' jacket. You didn't want to let go! Regina got closer and closer, she had her teeth bared and you didn't know what to do so you just held on to Janis as she tried to pull away. You screamed, you screamed for help but none came and then, you screamed so loudly that it could be hear all the way to China!

"Whoah, whoah, calm down!" Janis' soft voice calmed you. "It's okay, it was only a dream, it can't hurt you."

"Janis?" You asked confused, you where lying on the messy single bed in Janis' garage and beside you was Janis, she was looking at you with concerned eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. How are you feeling?" Janis asked you feeling you forehead with the back of her hand her expression growing more concerning.

"Janis, I'm not feeling very good..." you replied with a shaken voice.

"I can tell, you might be sick, let me get you a glass of water and a cold towel, that might make you feel a bit better." Janis said smiling as she got up off the bed. "Hang in there (Y/N)!"

You waited for a bit, trying to remember why you had such a confusing nightmare when Janis came in. "It's about half 2 in the morning, does your mum know that your here?"

"Yea, I said if I'm not back in time for tea, she should presume I'm staying with you, I do live only two minuets down the road anyway, it's not like I'm a million miles from home!" You said trying to make a quick joke.

"Sweet, that was a good idea (Y/N)," Janis said impressed as she held the glass of water to your mouth, allowing you to drink it whilst she dabbed your forehead with a damp towel.


Once she'd finished and the towel was no longer wet enough to use she took off her jacket and draped it over the couch.

"Feeling any better?" She asked,

"A little."

"Well, it least the burning has gone down, you can sleep there for the night if you want, I can go and sleep in my room." Janis offered as she turned to walk out the door.


"Yea (Y/N)?" She questioned, turning around,

"Could you stay with me?" You asked hazily.

"Yea, Yea of course!" Janis replied, turning off the main light so there was just a small glow from the one in her desk. She walked slowly over to you and shuffled onto the bed next to you.

"Goodnight Janis."

"Night (Y/N)

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