Part 1

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Violet would spend most of her time locked in her room completely absorbed in science. Science always fascinated the girl. It explains things, and it doesn't lie. Violet finds science is her only escape. Escape from the terrible world and concept of death she has seen. 

Three years ago, two years after Violet lost both her brother and father she lost her boyfriend as well. He was found in the Glades with a knife lodged in his throat. His name was Miceal Merlyn, the younger brother of Tommy Merlyn. The two were always together despite that both of their parents did not approve of their relationship for a reason they wouldn't share. 

You would think two billionaire families would want their kids to be dating. Violet loved both her mother and Micheal, and she was torn between the two. Violet asked for why she couldn't date Micheal, but Moira kept quiet. So Violet ignored her mother. 

Micheal was the only rock Violet had to lean on. After she lost her brother and dad, she began to rely on Micheal. He was her emotional support. Then he died. Violet turned to her family, but they were too overwhelmed with grief themselves that she decided it best not to involve them with her pain for Michael as well. 

The experience of losing people molded Violet into an empathetic person. She'd sacrifice herself for the better of others. Losing Micheal, Oliver and her dad showed Violet how miserable life is, and she wouldn't want people to feel the same. 

After Micheal died, she realized that her family needed a rock to lean on as well. Especially her sister Thea. She had ignored her family to grieve with Micheal, and Thea had no one. She turned to drugs soon after Micheal died. So, Violet pushed down her pain and put up a smile. 

Violet's door opened causing the said girl to look up from her current project to see her sister. "Hey," Violet spoke out with a warm smile on her face swiveling her chair around to face Thea. Violet's older sister by approximately 7 minutes walked in with a meek smile. 

"Mom is still ignoring me," she confessed causing Violet to knit her eyebrows with sympathy. "Mom is grieving still, and she is burying herself with work. I don't think she realizes that she's ignoring us," Violet said with a sad smile. 

"But hey, why don't we go shopping or something?" Violet suggested a smile back on her face. "I thought you hated shopping," Thea said with a barely noticeable smile on her face. "Oh, I do. But you like it," Violet responded standing up from her chair and pulling her sister out of the room. 

"You know you should dress more like me. You're prettier than me after all," Thea spoke raising a blue ruffly tank top against me. Violet instantly cringed at the top, "No way! This shows too much," she said pushing away the clothing. "Oh come on," Thea complained. "I know we're here because you want to cheer me up. So..." The trailed off with a devious smile as she offered me the shirt. 

Violet huffed before grabbing the shirt before walking to the changing room. "Wait! These too," Thea said tossing her ripped jean shorts. Violet caught the shorts regreting to wear the outfit. Minutes later she found herself staring in the mirror. "Too much skin," she mumbled annoyed as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Come on show me!" Thea pleaded from outside the fitting room. Violet sighed before opening the door as she found her shoes more interesting than her older sister's eyes. Thea squealed out in excitement, "Come on, you're wearing this out," Thea said grabbing Violet's hand and pulled her to the cashier. 

Violet was unwillingly forced to wear the outfit in public. "Oh stop being like that. You look beautiful! You don't know how jealous I am of you," Thea said with a smile. Although violet refused to admit it, she was pretty. Her hair was the same dark brown color as Thea's. But Violet possessed more thick hair and it looked beautiful whether it was up, down, wavey, or straight. Lastly, Violet's eyes were a dark chocolate brown that had captured Micheal's attention. Everything other than that, Violet's physic was the same as Thea's. 

"You shouldn't be jealous Thea. You're very pretty you can get any guy," Violet said. Despite the compliment, Thea shrugged those words off her shoulder. Violet's phone rang out from her back pocket before she could say anything else to Thea. "It's mom give me one sec," Violet said before raising the phone to her ear. 

"Hello?" Violet asked. "Violet... It's Oliver. He's alive!" Her mother spoke out over the phone. Violet froze not believing what she had heard. "Wh-What?" She spoke out not sure how to respond. "He has been on an island, Lian Yu, for five years. He's at the hospital right now I'm going to go pick him up," she informed Violet. 

"What's happening?" Thea asked her sister noticing something had happened by Violet's expression. "We'll be home soon," Violet responded before hanging up. "Ollie's alive," Violet spoke out her eyes beginning to spill tears. The two later found themselves racing back home to wait for their brother to come home. 

Violet texted her mother when they had got back asking to know when Oliver would be home. Violet was happy to hear that it would only be a few minutes. After what felt like an eternity the twins heard the front door open from upstairs. "He's here!" The two exclaimed before running down the stairs. 

Violet and Thea stopped at the top of the last flight of stairs to see Oliver at the bottom. "Violet, Thea," He said with a small smile on his face. Violet could tell how much he missed them. "Ollie!" The twins exclaimed in unison before running down and overwhelming Oliver with two pairs of arms. 

"I missed you guys," he said as he hugged his younger sisters. "Me too," Thea said, "Me three!" Violet spoke up as well with a big smile on her face. Violet's world seemed to be brighter. Violet felt as if a part of her died on the Queen's Gambit with her father and brother. She felt empty. Every day Violet didn't know what to do with herself apart from making her family happy. But seeing her brother again began to erase the feeling of emptiness she had within her. She felt happy again.

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