Part 2

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Violet gasped in shock when she saw the scars that Oliver had on his body. She had walked in on him changing his shirt and was devastated to see clearly how rough his life was for the past years. Instantly Violet knew that Oliver had suffered more than her sister or her mother was.

Oliver had heard Violet and turned to see her with a disappointing look. Oliver didn't want anyone to see his scars. Violet walked to her brother with a sympathetic look as her eyes looked at all of his scars. She looked up to Oliver with a small sad smile, "You're home and safe now," she said making Oliver's eyes widen.

He never thought the Violet he had known before he left would say something like that to him. The Violet he knew was sarcastic and free willed. "You changed," Oliver spoke out. "You did too. I know you're not who you were before you left. I don't think it would be possible with whatever you've been through," Violet spoke.

Oliver didn't know what to say. So, he stayed silent and listened to finding that his easiest option. "I know I'm probably the most understanding person in this family right now. But Thea and mom, I can see it in their eyes that they're too attached to the old Oliver. They won't see you for what you've become," Violet informed her brother. "If you need anything just ask," Violet said before leaving her brother to himself.

It has been almost a year and Oliver never opened up or talked about what had happened on the island. The news was constantly filled with the Starling city vigilante that was a genius with a bow. The crime rate had gone down since the vigilante came and Violet would say that's a great accomplishment. Although she doesn't agree with the fact that he kills his victims because she knows that those victims have families. 

But the worst thing was that Walter had been kidnapped putting our family back under a lot of stress. Walter was a nice man and I was happy for mom and him because they were happy. But currently, it has been a half a year since he went missing and I could see my family lose hope of him still being alive. 

"Hey, Thea!" Violet exclaimed while barging into her room. "Check this out!" She exclaimed pulling out a large metallic cube-shaped box from behind her. "A microwave?" Thea asked monotonously. "No, no not a microwave. Here press one of these buttons," Violet said pointing to three buttons on the side of the machine. 

Thea looked up to see that the buttons read: Strawberry, blueberry, and banana. "Violet, what is this?" Thea asked unimpressed so far. "Just press one," Violet asked of her sister. Thea sighed before pressing blueberry. 

A light then lit up on the inside of the door of the box. A cup then fell down into vision followed by blueberries, yogurt, milk, and ice that fell into the cup. Thea watched amazed at what was happening. A lid and straw were placed on the cup by robotic hands. The cup then began shaking. They couldn't see it, but the straw was also what blended all the ingredients together. Moments later a small ding rang from the box. 

Thea opened the small door and pulled out the smoothie. "Oh my god, Violet! Did you make this machine? And can I have it in my room?" Thea asked excitedly. A smile grew on Violet's face, "Yup!" she said placing the machine on her desk. "By the way, the straw has small serrated blades on it so be careful if you ever pull out the straw. 

Thea grew curious so she took off the lid and pulled out the straw. At the bottom of the straw, you could see that it twisted around in a swirl and that it had sharp blades on it. "Don't just stare at the straw drink the smoothie," Violet said wanting her sister to be more interested in the smoothie than the straw. 

Thea then began chucking the smoothie. Violet's smile faded, "Hey Thea? Don't you think mom is acting a bit off lately?" Violet asked. She had seen how stressed out she was. And she was more paranoid than usual. It all seemed very ominous to Violet. "Uh, yeah. She keeps talking with Malcolm Merlyn. I can't believe she's doing this again," Thea spoke through gritted teeth. 

Violet instantly knew what her sister was talking about. She thinks that mom was having an affair with Malcolm Merlyn. Violet shook her head, "Mom wouldn't have an affair with him," Violet said. "How do you know? She meets up with him all the time! For all I know she could have done it with him a million times," she said. "Thea!" Violet exclaimed shocked at her words. 

"Mom loves Walter. I promise you mom would never have an affair with Merlyn," Violet said looking straight into Thea's eyes. "She wouldn't do that to Walter. That's not who she is," Violet added. "You're the one who said she was acting strange," Thea pointed out. "I know, but I don't think she's having an affair. I just think she's hiding something," Violet admitted. 

"Well let's go ask her then," Thea spoke jumping up and pulling Violet downstairs. "Mom!" Thea shouted through the house. The sisters found their mom sitting in the living room too preoccupied with something on her mind. "Mom," Thea called for her attention. 

Moira looked up to see her daughters standing in front of her. "What is it that you're not telling us?" Thea got straight to the point. "What are you talking about?" Moira pretended. "Mom! Tell us! Tell the truth for once will you?" Thea shouted glaring at her mother. "Thea," Violet said grabbing her sister's wrist wanting to calm her down. 

"I can't tell you. He'll hurt you," Moira said with glassy eyes. Violet and Thea froze at her words. "You're talking about Merlyn aren't you?" Thea asked. Violet didn't say anything, she didn't know what to do. By the look in Moira's eyes, the twin's knew that is was Merlyn that she was talking about.

"Why would he hurt us?" Violet asked, "What does he want with you?" Violet didn't wait for an answer. "Let's go ask him," Thea said grabbing her sisters wrist and pulling her out the door. "Thea! This isn't a good idea! And it's practically nine o' clock at night!" Violet shouted before Thea pushed her into the driver seat of their mother's car. 

"Drive!" Thea ordered as she saw her mother running to the car. Violet did as she said, "Why are we doing this?" Violet asked after a long silence. "I want answers for once," she responded. Violet always knew that Thea was easily hurt from the lies everybody tells her. 

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