Origins: Part II

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                         After a sound yet unpleasant sleep, Izuku opened eyes as they widened to the sight before him. He became confused before he remembered the events of yesterday. His mood returned and sluggishly looked over to his clock. 

5:30 AM

                    He knew there was no point in falling back asleep so he decided to go out for a walk. He slipped on his shoes and his school uniform, save for the black jacket, with only a white dress shirt. He slipped out of the house and began to just wander around the town. As he walked, he reflected on what happened yesterday. 

                   'I am useless... Even my own parents think I can't be a hero. Now I find out they're both famous pro heroes for THE FIRST TIME?!? This is bullshit. I just wish I had a purpose in life and to make my father proud. But Kaa- NO. Bakugou beat me to it. Damn it now I am starting to act like him. I am sure I'll be back to normal later.'

                  As he continued to be lost in thought, he is stopped by a guard rail. Izuku snaps out of it to discover he walked all the way to the boardwalk of the local beach. Normally people think of beaches as lush and full of life. Not here. The entire coast was full of garbage thanks to illegal dumping. He looked around to see a man on the other side of the boardwalk. He was just staring out into the ocean not having a care in the world. Izuku scoffed and was about to turn around when he heard someone call out THAT NAME...


                He turned around to see the last person he wanted to see. Bakugou. He was dressed in athletic shorts and a tank top. Izuku then remembered that he was going to meet his father on the beach. Being the try hard he was, he came early. But. He didn't need to know that. He decided to play dumb.

                "O-Oh... H-Hey Kaachan." Izuku said, instantly realizing he was intentionally trying to stutter. "W-Wha- What're you doing here? It's too early right?" He looked at Bakugou to see that he looked like he wanted to hurt him. 

                "I could ask you the same question ya damn nerd." Bakugou said threateningly. "Get out of here. I am meeting someone very important here, so important that you couldn't even dream of." Izuku flinched at his sentence but decided to test how far his former friend's pride stretched. 

                          "R-R-Really? Who? Nothing really happens in this part of town. Who would want to meet you?"

 Bakugou began to frown. 

                         "I mean I've met tons of pro heroes and so have you... but it couldn't be one of them... after all we are just two kids in junior high." 

Bakugou began to twitch. 

                      "Unless you were a Hero Course student then you'd pretty much be a celebrity! But then again... with your attitude, that path would be super hard for you..." 

By then Bakugou had lost it, much to a pleasantly surprised Izuku.

                      "LISTEN HERE YOU WORTHLESS DEKU!" Izuku flinched a little at him. "I'M HERE BECAUSE THE NUMBER ONE HERO CHOSE ME AS HIS SUCCESSOR! ME!" Bakugou shouted in a single breath. He realized what he said and put a hand over his mouth. Once he calmed down, he looked a Deku, who was smiling. He didn't know why, but he saw a far different aura coming from him... one very similar to his own... 

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