Group Date - Chapter 8

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"Kerttu, you're a little late. Don't you have a group date coming up?" Shaan was wearing a maroon button-up, leaving the first couple of buttons open. He had rolled up the sleeves, revealing his muscled forearm.

"You did that on purpose. You're very smart."

"I can when I want to be."

I didn't respond. Instead I pressed my lips to his. He gladly received them, his lips crashing hungrily into mine. We kissed our way into his room. I shut the door behind me with an unlady like kick as we wandered further and further. We tumbled onto his couch which caused us to break apart, laughing.

"You really know what you're doing," he praised, running his hand through my hair. The chemistry between us was undeniable, it hollering between us. I was on top of him, our bodies chest to chest. I never wanted this to end.

He captured my lips again. His desperation for me was ringing through and I was eager for more. He moved his kisses from my jaw to my neck, nuzzling the spot. He showered me with affection, positioning me so that he could bite my ear. The sensations pumping through my body were insatiable.

I ran my fingers through his long hair, trailing them down to his shoulders. "I wasn't expecting that to happen," I lied, catching my breath. "Okay, I did a little."

He moved me so that I was laying flat on top of him, our heads side to side. "I figured there was a fifty percent chance." He huffed, kissing my hair. "Even with the Selection going on, don't forget about me. What we have, what we could have. Just don't forget."

I pulled him closer to me, embracing his body. "There's no way I could."

I arrived 20 minutes late for my fencing group date in the gardens. Adim, Jakob, Tyler, and Chaarlie were waiting for me, already wearing the equipment.

"Don't you guys look cool in your fencing attires?" I gave each of them a hug, Jakob giving me another high five.

"That's our thing now. You can't high five anyone else," I jokingly ordered.

Jakob hid his hands behind his back. "My hands are sealed."

"Okay, boys, listen up. I am your fencing instructor. Do you any of you guys have fencing experience?" I took on the role as teacher, enjoying it a little too much.

They shook their heads, fighting chuckles.

"Alright, then, let's take it from the top."

I taught them the basics from hand positioning to footwork. Chaarlie was a quick study, learning the steps in under thirty minutes. Jakob wasn't very good but he made it fun. Tyler was getting the hang of it. Adim was the only one who really seemed to be struggling.

I came up behind him, forming a circle around his wrists. "Adim, you want to focus on your wrists. This controls everything when it comes to fencing. Go." He flicked the foil and I kept the circle tight. His wrists contracted against mine. "Again." He flicked the weapon again. He was getting better.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed. "You just got to keep it tight." Adim nodded, pushing up his glasses.

I decided to have the guards spar against them. I took them one at a time to come chat with me. As great as fencing was, I was looking for a partner. One who I could trust with everything. I pulled Chaarlie aside first. I didn't know much about him but he seemed relaxed and very self aware. A good combination.

We sat on the small stone wall between the fencing area and the palace. We watched the other boys fencing.

"They're getting really good," I remarked. I was extremely proud of their progress.

"You're a good teacher." His voice was like the afternoon ocean, smooth and easy.

"You have a very nice voice, Chaarlie."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"I don't like when people call me Highness!" I playfully chided, giggling.

"I like your energy. You are always laughing, always excited. I like that." He had a slight accent that I recognized as from Honduragua.

"Where are you from?"


"I thought so. My great grandmother was from there."

"Really?" he questioned. "That's so cool. Have you ever had bilias?"

I shook my head. "I don't even know what those are."

"You're missing out. They're delicious," he said.

"Man, you're making me hungry. That's a lie, I'm always hungry."

I thanked Chaarlie for his time and asked for Adim. Adim came to me, stuffing his hands in and out of his pockets.

"Stop. You're making me nervous," I said cheerfully.

He adjusted his glasses, smiling back at me. "Sorry, princesses make me," he threw his hands around, "like this."

"Where is your emoji blazer?" I asked. Jakob and Chaarlie were fencing and Chaarlie was unabashedly winning. Jakob took the defeat well.

"It's getting ironed. I still can't believe I have my own butlers!"

"Yep, I'm with you. They're miracle workers. Every single one of them. But tell me when you get that blazer back. I wanna borrow it."

"Maybe we can do an exchange program," he offered jokingly. "A dress for a blazer."

I shook his hand. "You got a deal."

I talked to Tyler after Adim. We did not have as much chemistry as I thought. I made a mental note of that. I had to make an elimination tomorrow and I was trying to remember as much as possible. I didn't have the best memory. Lastly, I talked to Jakob.

"So, Jakob, tell me. Since you cannot be a fencing champion, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"I'll take that burn," he said, smiling. "When I was little, I wanted to be a comedian. After losing a talent show, I scratched that out. So I think I want to be a veterinarian now."

"Are you serious? You would kill as a comedian. I can't stop laughing when I'm with you."

"Well, that's just because I'm usually making fun of myself," he confided.

"People should do that more often. You know what, tomorrow, I am going to give you the biggest surprise of all time."

"Really? Is it a chocolate banana sundae with double the whipped cream?" he asked eagerly, his large brown eyes meeting mine. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No but I'll get that too."

We ended the date and I was suddenly a batch of nerves. Who would I eliminate tomorrow?

**Who do you think she will eliminate?**

**Now that you're getting to know more of the guys, which one is your favorite?**

**Thank you so much for reading!!**

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