Clean Dancing - Chapter 16

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The ballroom was filled with streamers, bright lights, and of course, camera crews. They scurried around, capturing scenes of the Selected, the beautiful music acting as a mismatched beat to their movements. I put down my drink and began to engage with the crowd.

It was Berry's birthday. I hoped tonight would be the night I learned more about the poised and witty fellow. He was turning eighteen, only a year younger than me now. Mom and Dad were talking with Jakob and I moved to join them.

"Hello, princess," Dad said, his pride shining in his eyes. He kissed my cheek and I beamed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

Mom rolled her eyes at us, smiling. "So Jakob, would you be okay marrying a daddy's girl?"

As always, he was bursting with energy. "Are you kidding? I'm a daddy's girl too. Well, you know." He shrugged and we all laughed. Mom took a hold of Dad's hand.

"Well, we'll leave you two alone." Dad kissed me on the cheek again and they moved to talk to Adim.

"Alone in a room full of fifty people. That's got to be a record," I said sarcastically.

The music trimmed down to a simple bass and piano, the room becoming peaceful and melodic. We had invited Berry's parents and his mother and him took the center of the dance floor.

"Since, the birthday boy is occupied, would you mind dancing with me?" I asked.

"Oh, I love being the second choice!" He took my hand and we began a gentle waltz.

"Jakob, how are you always in such a good mood?" We were closer than we had ever been. I could see little origins of a beard poking out of his chin, the warmth bubbling in his blue eyes, the openness of his wide face. His outsides perfectly matched his insides. He was not a pineapple but a green bean.

"Because I'm alive, I'm in the Selection, you let me perform comedy this week," he said lifting me up briefly, causing me to giggle. "Life is good. Why are you always in such a good mood?"

I spotted Amberly talking with Berry, Calix stealing another finger food, and Johan writing something in the corner. "Because I have the best family in the world."

"And don't forget the richest," he chimed in light heartedly, swaying to the music.

"That too," I concurred. "There's not a lot to be mad right now."

The song ended and I found Berry.

"Happy birthday, Berry!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Would you like to dance?"

"Yes, I would."

He was reserved yet smart and witty. He was good guy but I was beginning to think he wasn't the one for me. There just wasn't any sparks between us. The night continued on and soon I found myself in Tyrion's secure arms. His arm was wrapped snugly around my waist, pressing me to him. My body was inflamed by his touch as we moved in circles. Victoria had taught them how to dance but Tyrion's movements were effortlessly flawless and smooth, capturing my attention.

"You are a fantastic dancer!" I pointed out. He even made me look good which was a battle.

He bit down a smile, squeezing my waist so that I was closer to him. "Believe it or not, Princess Kerttu, I was a trained dancer from ages 5 to 12."

"No," I gasped.

"Yes, yes, I was," he replied before masterfully swinging me between his legs and back up on my feet in seconds. It was exhilarating. "Nerway's father stayed with us for a while. He paid for my lessons."

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