The First Attack - Chapter 22

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"Kerttu! Get down!" Shaan shouted as another projectile soared through my second bedroom window.

"No, there's a passageway. Follow me." I gripped his hand, dodged another brick, opened the secret wall, and we were off. I ensured that it was locked securely behind us and then went back to Shaan. "Are you okay?" I had to ignore my own fast heartbeat and adrenaline. What in the world was happening?

"Yeah," he replied absentmindedly. It was like he was in a daze. "What about the other boys?"

"They didn't teach you guys attack protocol?" Shaan shook his head which caused me to gasp. I told him the directions to the main waiting room then I braced myself. I had fifteen boys to save.

In my dress, I lifted its trail, bundling it in my arms, and walking down the halls. In the process, running into Adim who I almost punched in the face.

"Oh, it's you," I recognized belatedly. "I'm glad you're alright." I pulled him into a brief hug. "Where are the rest of the boys?"

"Their butlers helped them out. They should be on their way." From his speech, I could tell he was clearly shaken.

"Okay. Don't worry we'll make it out of this."

Adim smiled. "Thank you, Princess. I'm just happy you're okay." I pulled him into another hug and we made it to the main room. Mom and Dad were helping Amberly hold tears at bay while Johan and Alex were being held by General Leger. I'm glad they had him through this. I spotted seven of the boys, including Shaan, and they slowly began to trinkle in. I held my brothers tightly to my legs. I took a count again. We were missing one.

"Tyrion," I said rushiedly, eyes sweeping the room. "Tyrion is missing." Mom and Dad looked up at me, confused. "We're missing one."

"Oh, General Leger, we're missing a suitor. Could one of your guards go get him?" Mom asked carefully. I had never seen her face more overcome with worry and guilt.

It took me awhile to understand her guilt but it made sense after awhile. Our subjects had not initially been happy with the rise of her mother. I think she assumed this attack had something to do with her. It didn't. If anything, it had to do with me.

Two able guards went back out, searching for Tyrion. Where the hell could he be? I thought, biting my nails. Come on, Tyrion. I can't do this without you.

Thankfully, they came back with him. Everyone had taken a cot and I got one ready for him. He was alive!

"Princess, I can prepare my own bed," Tyrion said. "I apologize for coming late. My utmost apologies." We were fairly alone, in a corner, and not many people were paying attention.

"Can you stop being a prick for one second? I was worried sick," I complained, placing a sheet on the cot. He took it slowly from my hands.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't in my room, I was in the library."

"I got to ban you from there," I scolded, fluffing his pillow.

"Can you stop being angry and helping me? It's confusing," he joked, smirking. In return, I hit him with the pillow.

"This is not a joke. You could have died! That can't happen!"

All humor dispelled from his body. "I am so sorry," he said. He then sat on the now assembled cot and I sat with him. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. "I apologize for coming late. God forbid if this ever happens again, I'll be the first one here."

I nodded. I don't know why that got me so emotional. It's just the thought of losing was a lot. "Thank you. Sorry for acting out."

"You act whatever way you like. Especially around me." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "You should probably get back to your cot though."

I shook my head. "No, I want to be here." I inhaled his clean scent, the softness of him comforting me.

They let us go after a couple of hours. The palace was ransacked and destroyed, graffitid. It broke my heart. But I would get to the bottom of this. No matter what.

**How will Kerttu proceed with the Selection now? What will she do to track them down?**

**Which suitor are you pulling for? Thank you so much for reading this and caring @softy88 and @ShatteredButGorgeous and thank you all for being awesome**

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