♕Chapter 12♕

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Princess - Chapter 12.


Author's note: Anyone else hate their writing? Or am I the only one? Okay, anyway, I'm updating and ima probs re-do the gifs bc I don't have enough.



"Yeah. Nadia? Do you know her?"

My smile quickly faded, a death glare pointed towards my locker. "Yeah, I know her," I manage to spit out coldly, forcefully shutting my locker, causing a loud sound to emerge, Johnny jumping back at the bang.


I scoffed angrily to myself, my head steered away from Johnny. Just like last time in Hayden's room, a simple action had caused my anxiety to rush in back to me, overtaking my soul like it owned me. And it does own me. It's owned me for the past four years. But I'd thought this year was going to be different, that's all.

Nadia– her tall skinny-like figure, red wavy hair, and perfectly laid out freckles– everything about her makes my blood boil and gives me the unpleasant urge to smack her face into a locker repeatedly, to the point where her face turns red. To the point where she's hurt– mentally and physically.

Maybe then she'll know how it feels to really be me. To be huffing and out of breath all because of your faulty thoughts, to be embarrassed constantly in front of the entire school, to be so unhappy with yourself and your corrupted anxiety issues to the point where it hurt physically. Only then will she know how I feel on a daily basis, how much this bet means to me– how much Johnny means to me.

Not just Johnny, Lauren too. This bet is the only shot I get at a normal high school experience, and never will I ever let some perfect-shaped girl, that got everything she desired growing up, to take that away from me.

I slowly shift my head to Johnny, nostrils curled and nose huffing loudly. He jumped back carefully, frightened at my current state. I smile at him, sweaty fingers curled, my veins popping out of my arms and worn-out neck due to all the tension added to them. "I'll see you tomorrow, then," I manage to somewhat calmly reply, eyes popped. Johnny was only scooting away from me at this point.

He nervously chuckled, waving once to me before hurrying off to the direction of the cafeteria. My eyes remained off of him until he was no longer in sight, until he was longer with me. He's now with Nadia. I heavily sigh, carelessly turning my head back to my now-shut locker.

My face already numb, I launch my hands behind my back, and crash my head repeatedly against the locker with my full force.

Well, as full as I can get it. My body won't allow me to go as far to the point where I'll be permanently damaged, but this will for-sure leave a mark for the next week or so.

My head slammed against the locker at least ten times, not that I was keeping count. My forehead burned with excruciating force as each thrust reached the locker. Attempting to remove the anger out of my body, I groan at the unbearable pain, and shove my fisted hands towards the locker, picturing out a Nadia-shaped silhouette popping out of the locker.

I'd felt as if my injuries left me paralyzed. I tiredly rubbed my eyes, blinking once or twice to prevent myself from fainting in front of the school. I needed to get away from society, to just be alone. My eyes bearly fighting to stay open, I sloppily sprint to the girl's bathroom.

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