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I sat at lunch with my friend group, chatting amongst ourselves.

I made eye contact with Jungkook but he quickly looked away.

I mean yeah what I said was a little harsh, but it's the truth. He can't use girls like objects. Especially not this girl.

Suddenly Taehyung's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Ok ok guys I have an announcement. Esma's birthday is coming up, so you better believe I'm throwing her a partyyyyyy!!!" he said excitedly.

Esma blushed and all of us began talking about the party with excitement. I was much more excited for a party with just us rather then the whole freaking school. The party was this weekend so I had plenty of time to get her a gift.

———————THE PARTY——————-

One by one, we began to show up at Taehyung's house. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Namjoon answered the door and greeted me. I walked inside and saw elaborate decorations everywhere. I told Tae how amazing it looks and he smiled gratefully.

I went upstairs to find Esma and got flashbacks of the first party. I walked past the door to the room in which Jungkook and I had our first *official* encounter.

As I walked past it, the door opened and Jungkook himself stepped out. He was wearing sweatpants and a white tank top. It looked as if he had just woken up. Even for just waking up.. Damnnnn he looked good. His hair was ruffled and his eyes were half closed. And those biceps in that tank top... oh fuck.

He noticed me staring and waved his hands in front of my face

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He noticed me staring and waved his hands in front of my face.


"Oh uh. Sorry. Um odd time to take a nap, the parties about to start." I said.

"And? I live here I can sleep in my bed when I want to..."

He lives here? Since when? At the park I recall him saying he doesn't like going home... maybe that's why he came to live with Tae?? Or had he BEEN living with Tae??

I was lost in my thoughts and was shaken out of them when he groaned and shut the door.

I shrugged it off and went to find Esma.


Later that night Yoongi showed up with a keg and all the boys erupted in cheers.

Everyone began drinking and I held my sprite firmly.

"What did I say about loosening up?" a voice whispered in my ear.

I whip around and see Jungkook.

He had changed his clothes and done his hair. Being so close to him, I could actually SMELL him. He smelled like. Like a man. ( ;

"What do you mean? I was just about to get a drink" I said winking at him.

He was taken aback by the change in character as i strutted off to the keg.

I got myself a full cup and chugged it. Everyone cheered, except Jungkook.

He stood there disapprovingly with his arms crossed.

I got another cup and drank it. The liquid burning my throat and chest as it made its way down.

Then another.

Jungkook continued to watch, eyes wide.

I stumbled over to him and whispered in his ear, "Cmon princess— loosen up a little."

He chuckled sarcastically and pushed past me.

I went to the dance floor and began dancing with everyone.

A few drinks later I was standing on the table giving a toast to Esma.

"G-guys. This right here this is my bEST FRIEND!! Let's go f-fucking crazy!!!" I slurred.

Everyone laughed and continued dancing and chatting.

I began to climb down from the table but lost my footing.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms caught me and held me bridal style.

"You-you're kind of cute you know that? I like your hairrrrr" I said as I petted the guy carrying me.

He laughed to himself and carried me upstairs.

This idiot. I swear to god of course she would try to prove me wrong by getting shit-faced at Esma's party.

I carried her upstairs to my room as she continued to pet me.

I put her down gently on my bed and put the covers on her. At this point she had passed out completely.

I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her.

I looked at her beautiful hair, long eyelashes, and gentle lips.

There was something about this girl. Something drew me to her.

I shook my head. I can't get involved with her. I promised myself I would never open myself up to love again. It all ends in pain. And I don't want to put her through pain with me. Everyone who gets close to me gets hurt. I would hate to hurt her. I have to push her away so she can't get hurt by me.

I sighed and stood up, heading to the door. I looked back at her and smiled.

If only.

Oooooooooooooooo perhaps Kookie is starting to catch feelsssss.
Also some drAmA is coming in a few chapters so stay tuned.
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