Chapter Six: Near Death

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“Nearing mission area.” the pilot of the transport said.

    “Squad, due to there being a small force of enemy units being stationed on the rig, you will be dropping from a distance.  Be advised, the storage tanks containing methane are explosive.  If shot, they will explode destroying the rig.” command said.

    “Roger that, command.” Rīdā said.  “You heard him.  Don't shoot the storage tanks.  Limit your shots to ten round bursts.”

    “Roger.” the squad said.

    “Deploying.” the Rīdā said as he leaped from the jet.


    Few seconds later.


    “Contact.” Katashi said.

    “IT'S BASE!  FIRE!” the commander of the terrorist group shouted.

    “OPEN FIRE!  SAVE THE COMMANDER!” Rīdā said as he opened fire on the enemy units.  They were clearly using old Emulators.  First generation from the looks of things.  They were clunky, but efficient.

    “Weak ass units.” Katashi said as he destroyed a unit.

    “Watch your fire.  Don't want us to go boom, 'ya know.” Ryou said as he knocked a unit down with his boost.

    “RETREAT!” the enemy commander shouted as he boarded his transport and flew away.

    “Cowards.” Katashi said as he switched his unit to normal mode.

    “Are you alright?” Akira asked the workers.

    “We're fine.  Thank you, Mavericks.” the rig supervisor said.

    “Stay safe.” Akira said as the supports under the rig were blown apart.

    “WHAT WAS THAT?” Rīdā asked.

    “The supports.  They're no longer able to hold up the rig.  They must have rigged them to blow in case of a defeat.” Katashi said.

    “New objective.  Evac the workers on the rig to safety.” Rīdā said.  “Base, we are in need of transport.  Mission failed.  Have refugees.”

    “Here 'ya Rīdā.  Evac en route.” Base command said.

    “I'm going below.  I'll try to stabilize the supports.” Akira said as he boosted his way down to the main support.

    “GET THESE PEOPLE OUT OF HERE!” Rīdā shouted as the creaking rig wobbled even harder.

    “On it.” Ryou said as he rounded up the workers emergency capsules.  Emergency capsules were only to be used if the rig was to fail, and it was that time.


    Few minutes later.


    “Attention Omega Squad.  Due to the structural integrity being unstable, I am unable to land.  I will hover slightly over the rig.” the pilot of the transport said.

    “Come on.  Let's get out of here before it falls.” Rīdā said.  “Akira.”

    “I'm coming.  Just wait.” Akira said as he let the rig go.  He failed to realize that after he let the rig go, it began to fall into the ocean.  “NOT GONNA MAKE IT!  RUNNING OUT OF POWER!”

    “Engage your auxiliary power.” Rīdā said from the transport.

    “Engaging.” Akira said.

    With the deafening roar of his boosters, he boosted his way up to the waiting transport.

    “Made it.” Akira said as he landed in the cargo bay.

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