Chapter Nine: Loyalties are Questioned

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“Why were we sent into a potentially deadly mission?” Rīdā asked.

“We were nearly slaughtered out there.” Rīdā asked their commanding officer in his office.

    “Have you ever thought that all missions are potentially deadly?  When you’re in the service, every mission has the potential to be fatal.  If none weren’t fatal, there wouldn’t be war.  Without war, you wouldn’t have a job because it is war that keeps the service running.” their commanding officer answered.

    Frustrated, Rīdā storms out of the office and heads for the barracks.  He was still fuming when he arrived at the barracks.  Upon entering the room, he slams the doors behind him.

    “What's wrong?” Akira asked.

    “General Wong is being a fucking dick.  That's what's wrong.” Rīdā said in frustration.

    “What did you ask him?” Katashi asked.

    “I asked him why we were sent into a potentially deadly mission.  All he said was 'Have you ever thought that all missions are potentially deadly?  When you’re in the service, every mission has the potential to be fatal.  If none weren’t fatal, there wouldn’t be war.  Without war, you wouldn’t have a job because it is war that keeps the service running.'”Rīdā said imitating their commanding officer.  “He is a complete ass.  He knew very well that MWAs can only last so long when exposed to ultrasonic sound waves, and yet he still approved the mission.”

    “Well, he was just doing his job.” Akira said.

    “But he knew that the ultrasonic sound waves would destroy our units.  Remember Arata saying Termino has his hands on practically everybody.  Maybe he orchestrated it.” Rīdā said.

    “Okay.  Now your just paranoid.” Ryou said.

    “No.  It makes perfect sense.  If Termino has his hands on higher ups, he could orchestrate something like this.” Rīdā said.

    “Your right, 'ya know.” Arata said as he entered the room.

    “Hey Arata.” Ryou greeted.

    “Anything new for us?” Akira asked.

    “Not much.  But I do have new intel to share with you.  I have been working on how to pinpoint Termino's base of operations and found he is situated in the mountains.  Not the Appalachians, but the Rockies.” Arata said.

    “Wait.  Rockies?  As in the wasteland?” Ryou asked.

    “The same.  He is nestled in one of the many mountains in the Rocky Mountain Range.  That is all I know.  I have been unable to pinpoint his location due to the mountains.  I have already asked that you four be dispatched their.” Arata said.

    “We're going past the wall and going into the Wasteland?” Akira asked.

    “That is correct.  You four will be part of a special force that will be storming the Rockies in search for his base.  You are set to deploy two days from now.  You will not receive any new missions until then.  Until you are to be deployed, I advise that you go train beforehand.  You will need all the training you can get while in the wastelands.”  Arata said.  “The wastelands in not a peaceful place.  It is covered in barren, dry land and there are many unknown creatures that could be living out there just looking for their next meal.”

    “Well, until we know for sure what Base's true intentions for us are, I guess we will have to keep doing what we do best and that is kicking ass and taking names.” Akira said.

    “For this mission, you will be doing more than that.  You will be taking down Termino's entire organization.  You will be bringing this war to an end.” Arata said.

    “Squad, let's get some sleep.  We have a full two days of training to do.” Rīdā said as he laid down on his cot.

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