Chapter 1

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Earl Eric's POV

Grabbing the featherpen from my servant again, I hastily prepare another letter to make my announcement. I have been trying to prepare this in the most appealing way possible without sounding the least bit of desperation in my tone. I write:

Greetings to all,

I, the Earl of Denmark, hereby announce a marriage proposal for my daughter. She has reached 24 years and has grown to be the fairest maiden in Denmark. Should you feel suitable to claim her as yours, you will be welcomed into my castle as our guest.

My daughter is my most precious possession and I want only the best for her. Thus, I will not accept any current or previous convicts, domestic abusers or scandal cases. My son in law should be capable of providing financial care for my daughter and should be a noble and respectable man of society.

Again, I welcome all suitable men into my household. I look forward to finding my son in law.

- Your Earl, Eric Lashley.

That sounds much better. I smile thinking of all the riches I will be gaining from this dowry. Money makes the world go round right? And that is what I want, what I always need. I cannot get enough of it amd I spend too much of it when I grab hold of those beautiful golden coins.

Don't get me wrong, I am not selling off my daughter for the dowry that I will get. Yes she is my new business solution to raising more income but I would never sell my precious Erica. I wanted to marry her off years now but she was never ready. Now she has aged and become 24 years. That is a ridiculously high age for an unmarried woman.

But now that I have insisted on her marriage before she becomes of unmarriageable age, I realized how I would benefit from it. Men would be showering her- and myself- with riches just to get her all for theirselves. I laughed at the thought.

Looking at her now from when she was a little girl, she has grown into quite the woman. Her body is way too seductive and her face is as bright and golden as the gems she wears. Her hair is long, soft and always kept neatly fashioned. I cam confirm that she really is the most beautiful woman of all lands. I should know, I have travelled to many places and had my fair share of women of all foreign and local lands. After all, I am a widowed man with needs.

"Luke! Present this letter to all the kingdoms that you could think of. Gather men to assist you and I will write more letters like this to be sent out by others. Make sure to present the news to only noble and rich men. I do not want any paupers begging for my daughter's hand for their selfish needs." I commanded.

"Yes my Lord. So it shall be done." He bowed and left with 20 of my soldiers to spread the news.

All I have to do is wait for the men to be at my door. News of my daughter's beauty is popular around the kingdoms. Some of my guests has been dumbstruck upon seeing her, but she has always refused their hands and I have always protected my daughter.

Now that I am finally accepting marriage offers, men will be elated to finally have a chance with her. I smirk out of satisfaction that my seed could produce such a beautiful heir.

Two weeks later

"My lady you must come out for dinner. Your father has guests waiting on you. You cannot refuse him." Said my maid.

I sigh and look at my reflection on my vanity. This is what these men want, only what they can see and touch, never what lies within.

"I am tired of this. Each day I have to present myself to these men like some product for sale in the market. I just hate this!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it too much dear. Maybe among these visitors you will find the one. And you mustn't blame them my dear. You are quite an attractive maiden, men would naturally melt at your feet. May I remind you what a man does to his wife?"

I felt heat on my cheeks at her comment. She gave me the talk when the news were out. I still cannot process everything that she told me.

"No you may not! I- I am fine. No need to remind me again. "

She laughed. "There you go again. Blushing like the virgin you are. Now come along. We can't keep them waiting. It is rude to keep a guest from waiting."

I sighed. She led me to the dining area where I see 7 new men today. I flashed a fake smile at them since my father was looking. I took my place closest to him.

"Good evening everyone. I do apologise for my tardiness. Please enjoy the meal".

I began eating at once and avoided the stares burning holes through my body. I spent my time ignoring them or giving only small talk when I was forced to answer a question. After supper, I excused myself.

I ran into a one of them on my way back. Jack I think is his name.

I gasped when he places his hands on my waist and pull me close to him. He held my chin up to him.

"You will make a beautiful wife. I will make sure to keep you happy... everyday." He smirked.

I struggled to get out of his hold and I pulled my chin away.

"Don't touch me! Do you not have any shame touching women as you please?"

As he was about to respond, the others caught up to him. It seems like they all had intentions of seeking me out after dinner. How great.

"Hey. What do you think you are doing? She has to choose between us. You think that you could claim her here to make her officially yours?"

Claim me as his? Did he mean what I think he meant? I almost puked.

They saw me trying to slip away from them unnoticed whilst they argue about me.

"My lady, where are you going?"

"Umm, the room has suddenly become too crowded for me. Please I do not enjoy entertaining this many guests. I bid you all goodnight." I curtsiedband turned to leave when I felt myself being pulled back.

"Wait. Tell us, who have you chosen? We all want to know."

They all stared at me, awaiting my answer. Think Erica think. I must find a way to make them all leave.

"Do you all find it appealing to have an untouched woman?"

They all nodded.

"Then would you marry a used woman? Don't make me explain myself. I know that you all know what I am talkong about."

They seemed to hesitate to answer. It is by custom that virgins would be easier to find husbands than wanton women or used women. Men has this theory that they would claim a virgin as his.

"I would take your silence as a no. Now that we have put that all aside, I have those same values. I value to have a virgin as my husband as well. A man who would belong to me only and have never belonged to anyone else. Now I ask all of you, do you men fall under that category or are you all dirtied or used? Leave if you have."

Within minutes, they protested but walked away knowing that they have been with another before. Men often have their sexual needs fulfilled even before marriage. It is quite common for them to have mistresses during marriage as well. I will not be having that sort of behaviour. Women has to be innocent for their men and must be faithful during marriage. Now some men remain faithful to their wives when they are married and I respect that.

I knew that they would protest and make me believe that they would be faithful to me alone. But I did not care.

I smiled brightly at my victory. Theu all left the castle. They can't force me to be theirs if I do not want them, and I have made it clear to them that I do nit want them.

Why, only a barbarian would force a woman to be theirs.

I laughed.

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