Chapter 2

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Battle cries could be heard amongst the raid. Men, women and soldiers were slain. The ruthless barbarians did what did best- the killed and took whatever they wanted. Food and treasures were stolen along with some women for my men's desire.

I stood tall on the king's throne and watched as my men won the battle. A satisfied smirk crossed my face.

After the raid, my men came to me reporting any news they had to present before we left.

"Before we leave take all of the cooks with us. A kingdom this grand must have the best cooks capable of feeding my men."

My men smiled at my command and happily carried out the task. They have been complaining of all the garbage they have been getting to eat. In fact, I have slain some kitchen ladies for serving me tasteless food. I had promised them that we will replace them with better cooks during our next raid.

Some of my men came forward with prisoners. They were soldiers who wpre a different armor than that of this land. Their helmets were contained green feathers whilst this kingdom had blue. Were these spies or vistors? Amongst them was a frightened young man holding a scroll in his trembling hands. My brows rose in curiousity.

"We found them at the border my king. They seemed to be entering this kingdom."

"Why didnt you kill them?" I asked.

"They said thet they are not from this kingdom and they came bearing a message. We thought that this would be of interest to you."

I nodded in understanding. My men may be brutes, but they are clever and smart. It is the reason why we are undefeated.

"The boy. Bring him to me." I gestured towards the young man.

They forced him towards me and I glared down at him. He seemed to be intimidated by me for he cowered away.

"State your business here boy."

"We have come to spread news on behalf of the Earl of Denmark. Nothing else. We just came as messengers" he had fear in his eyes and something in him made me believe him.

He seemed to be protecting the scroll in his hands. I grabbed it from him. He gasped when I did it. If he keeps gasping and junping like that my men would mistake him for a damn maiden. Their cocks would be buried inside of him within minutes.

I read the scroll.

Greetings to all,

I, the Earl of Denmark, hereby announce a marriage proposal for my daughter. She has reached 24 years and has grown to be the fairest maiden in Denmark. Should you feel suitable to claim her as yours, you will be welcomed into my castle as our guest.

My daughter is my most precious possession and I want only the best for her. Thus, I will not accept any current or previous convicts, domestic abusers or scandal cases. My son in law should be capable of providing financial care for my daughter and should be a noble and respectable man of society.

Again, I welcome all suitable men into my household. I look forward to finding my son in law.

- Your Earl, Eric Lashley.

My lips tilted up in a curl. This news have warmed my spirit. I have been fucking too many whores. It would be a pleasure to claim the most beautiful bride as mine.

"Well boys. It seems that we are going to Denmark! You are finally going to have a Queen of Elrak "

My men cheered.

"Do you still want first pick of the women my King?" One of my men asked. I always had first pick of gold, slaves and women after every raid. Women who would warm my bed until I grow tired of them.

I shook my head. "Have fun and be merry. I will not be choosing one today. I am more anxious to get my queen of Denmark."

He nodded. "What do we do with these men?" He gestured to the prisoners of Denmark. The soldiers would nake troublesome slaves. They might try to escape and warn others or kill my men. Soldiers always make to worst slaves to discipline. But that boy may be useful to me.

I asked him his name. "Luke, my king." He answered.

"Well Luke, you will be our guide on this journey. When we reach to their castle, you will lead us to this woman you speak of. You will help my men get in safely and advise us of where the Earl's soldiers normally guard."

He gulped. I can see that he is having a hard time thinking of betraying the Earl.

"Tell me, are you loyal to he Earl and his daughter? " I asked.

"Yes my king. I have sworn to protect them from any harm. His daughter is like an angel of that castle my king. I would never wish anything bad upon her."

"Well you will have to protect them from my blade. For if you do not help us, not only will I shed your blood but you precious Earl and his daughter will feel the wrath of my blade as well. All I want is the girl. She will die if you do not help me. Do you understand Luke?"

"Y-y--yes my king. I do not want her to die. I- I will help you." He sighed.

I smiled at him.

"Kill the soldiers. All of them. Let that be a lesson to what will happen to you and that girl if you disobey me."

And at my request, the Earl's soldiers were slain before his eyes. I could see that he has never been at war with anyone. The horror in his eyes said it all. I chuckled at this new discovery. Oh how this boy has made my day.

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