Chapter 14

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The day had passed after a busy commotion at the market. The "spirits" had became quite popular in Elrak and so were the men of Denburg. People were happy to welcome them in their homes in hope of enjoying free samples of the ales. Others hoped to learn the recipe to boost their business. At the end of the day, the men gained many riches, friends and complimentary gifts from well wishers.

It was time for Victor and his men to accompany the King at the castle. A big feast was prepared for the guests; baked pork ribs, creamy potatos, pies, slices of oven-baked wheat bread and an assortment of figs, dates and other fruits. The special drink of the night was of course, the famous spirits, which was brought by the guests in barrels.

All was present at the grand table, except for the queen. She did not enjoy the taste of alcohol and was not impressed by the people's praise and adoration to such a drink. She had complained to the King himself that this would just cause the people to be in a constant drunken state and that would cause nothing more than chaos and disorder.

Xander took her words lightly and waived off her complaints. He stated that one should not worry too much, nor exaggerate. He was disappointed that she chose to complain rather than celebrate that Elrak was finally gaining the trust of traders and that traders were finally coming to Elrak.

So, the room was full of the Denburgians, the King, servants and the King's best soldiers.

"So, what do you think of Elrak Victor?" asked the King while sipping the ale.

"They are nothing from what I heard. In fact it is much better."

The King and his soldiers shared looks. "What have you heard about us?"

"Well, most people still fear you. I know that you have changed a lot of your laws - which I am quite happy about, I mean, I still have my life and I am always happy to be alive." The Denburgians laughed nervously since the Elrakians were still watching them with intent.

Victor sighed. "In all honesty, I do not think that many kingdoms believe that you are fully changed. They still consider the possibility of you all going back. Some may actually believe that you posing as traders may give you the advantage of studying your next victims and striking when least expected."

Xander's expression changed with a look of concern and understanding.

"We did not realize that our neighbours still hold that much caution towards us. I can assure you that we have no intentions of raiding villages anymore." the Kind responded.

Victor nodded. "Well, from my visit today, I fully believe you. Your people have been very welcoming to us. We have made a lot of true friends today. I am convinced that you want nothing more than to be recognized for your peace and to earn an honest living."

"Maybe you and your men could help us with earning that recognition."

Victor appeared confused. "How can we make that happen exactly?"

"Tell me something Victor. Are you also well liked in other kingdoms and tribes?

The Denburgians all looked at Victor awaiting his next answer. A soldier called Leo noticed their worried faces. He studied each one of them earnestly with their every move and answer.

"Our drink is valued at many kingdoms." He smiled.

"Good. It will be more effective for a well-liked trader as yourself to introduce new traders to people. If you and your men introduce Elrakian traders to the world, it would be much easier for people to believe that we mean no harm. Our people will be trusted and will profit from this relation with you. On your journey, we will appreciate if you allow Elrakian traders to journey with you."

"It is a deal. Let us drink to that."

The room then erupted in cheers and everyone took a drink of the ale.

"Wait!" Shouted Leo.

Everyone stopped their cheering and turned to Leo. Leo directed his attention to Victor and his crew. "You said something about posing as traders to study victims and attack later. How can we be sure that you are not cheating us and doing that to us?"

"My friend, I have been nothing but honest to you. I was just warning you about what people thought about the Elrakians. I am here to help you." defended Victor.

Leo stood to oppose some more but stopped when the King raised his hand, motioning the argument to stop.

"Leo, sit. Please forgive him, Victor. He means well. He used to be our Strategic planner at war. He led us to many victories at wars with his instincts. He was always right. He just is a bit too cautious." the King responded.

Victor nodded.

"Now let us all enjoy the meal and eat to your full content!"

The men roared and proceeded to enjoy the feast prepared for them. Some became too doused in the drink and the room was filled with laughing, intoxicated men.

Some men did not give away that easily and still controlled themselves enough to avoid being drunk, like Leo. Leo was found by a fellow guard outside by the balcony, pacing.

"Leo, what in God's name was that all about? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I am trying to put some sense in your heads. If I see a threat, I am always prepared to protect my people for it."

The guard shook his head in frustration. "They are just peasants Leo. Traders! What damage can they possibly do?"

"If that was true, why were they so heavily armed when we found them? Name one peasant who can afford that much weapons?" Leo protested.

"They carried weapons to do the same thing we do - protect themselves from all dangers on their journey. And besides, they must have not been fully convinced that we have changed our ways, so they armed themselves to protect themselves from us."

"That still does not explain how they could afford those weapons"

"Have you seen how rich they have become from just selling in Elrakian markets for just one day? Of course they can afford weapons with how famous they are. I am shocked that they are still dressed like normal citizens, if I made that much, I would wear the finest clothes."

"That is true." Leo scratched his beard and his eyes opened wide in realization. "Think about it, why would a rich trader dress like a commoner? These men could be trying to trick us and what are we doing? We are leading them into our homes. They could attack at any time and we would never suspect it."

The guard became bored with Leo's behavior. "I think you have had too much to drink my friend. Ever thought that they spent so much money on food, weapons and shelter that they did not bother to waste their savings on finer clothes?"

"You heard what the King said about my instincts towards threats. I am always right."

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