Disaster and Dragons

618 39 20

"blah blah"- Speaking Greek (or a dream)

"blah blah"- Speaking Amestrian

'blah blah'- Thinking

*<*<*>*>* - Begin/end flashback

Disclaimer: Seeing as I am neither British, Japanese, or a man; it stands to reason that I am neither J.K. Rowling, Hiromu Arakawa, or Rick Riordan, which means I do not own their respective works. In addition, I do not own the song 'This is War' by Thirty Seconds to Mars.


The morning of the first task, Harry woke up feeling as if he were in a dream. Breakfast passed in a blur, and Harry barely remembered walking to his first class before he was sitting in the classroom. The whole morning passed by like this, until nearly lunchtime. Harry, Hermione, and Percy were walking towards the Great Hall when a huge BOOM sounded from inside a classroom further down the hall.

The three froze in their tracks, staring at the door as if it might explode too. Two students who were closer to the door stepped back hurriedly.

"Should we see what's wrong?" Hermione asked nervously.

Ron shrugged indifferently. "That's Edward's classroom, so maybe this is planned. You never know, with him..."

The classroom door flew open and Lee Jordan half-stumbled out, holding a hand to his bleeding forehead. "Somebody find a teacher," he gasped. "I need to get Madame Pomfrey - Hurry up!" He turned and ran down the hall.

"What happened?!" On of the students in front of Harry called, but he didn't get an answer. "I'll go find someone," he said, before running past Harry and down the hallway.

"Should we help?" Harry asked. "Someone could be hurt -"

"Step aside!" Professor McGonagall swept past Harry and hurried into the classroom. Seconds later, Madame Pomfrey arrived and followed suit.

"What do you think happened?" Percy asked in a hushed whisper. "Must've been something pretty bad..."

Hermione bit her lip nervously. "I hope everyone's okay," she murmured.

The door wasn't closed properly, and Harry could hear Professor McGonagall asking something, but he couldn't catch the answer. Fred and George Weasley exited the classroom, faces pale and drawn.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked, eyes wide as they walked over.

"Y-yeah, we're fine," Fred said.

"Wouldn't say the same about Holly though," George said grimly. "Or Edward, for that matter."

"Lee got a pretty nasty bump too, but he'll be fine," Fred added.

"Holly?" Percy questioned.

"Hufflepuff," George supplied. "She got the worst of it..."

"Of what?" Hermione demanded. "What happened? Is she going to be alright?"

"I don't know what happened," Fred said helplessly. "She activated her circle, then Ed was yelling for her to stop -"

"- Then it exploded," George finished. "Not a good type of explosion though."

Professor McGonagall exited the classroom, a hand on Edward's arm, gently guiding him forward. Edward looked as if he were in a daze; he was breathing heavily, his eyes were glazed over; he didn't seem to be seeing anything in front of him.

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