Explanations and Exhaustion

601 38 64

"blah blah"- Speaking Greek (or a dream)

"blah blah"- Speaking Amestrian

'blah blah'- Thinking

*<*<*>*>* - Begin/end flashback

Disclaimer: Seeing as I am neither British, Japanese, or a man; it stands to reason that I am neither J.K. Rowling, Hiromu Arakawa, or Rick Riordan, which means I do not own their respective works. In addition, I do not own the song 'This is War' by Thirty Seconds to Mars.


Edward glared at three teenagers standing before him. "So," he hissed, barely restrained anger evident in his tone, "you owe me an explanation. Start talking."

"Right to the point, I see," Percy muttered. Ed glared at him.

Nico jumped in before the situation could escalate. "It's complicated," he said hurriedly.

"You're damn right it's complicated," Ed growled, clenching his fists and taking a step forward.

"Listen," Thalia said forcefully, raising her hands in a placating gesture. "This situation is way more than you think it is. We shouldn't even be telling you anything at all –"

"But we are," Nico cut in. "Because it's the best decision."

"And," Percy hurried to add. "Because we trust you – for now."

"More like we don't have a choice," Thalia spat, crossing her arms over her chest with a glare.

"Get to the point already," Ed said impatiently. "We don't have all night."

The three teens glanced at each other uneasily. Percy was the one to speak.

"The reason that everyone thinks Susan and Luna's deaths were an accident," he began, "is because Thalia used the mist to change their memories. We all," he gestured to the three of them, "agreed that changing everyone's memories was the only option, because we knew that Sirius Black was innocent."

Thalia stepped in to take over for Percy. "Also, we couldn't have people thinking that Sirius had killed two people at Hogwarts, because that would –" Thalia cut herself off, clenching her jaw, then forced herself to continue. "That would mess up the timeline," she forced out.

Edward narrowed his eyes at them. "What." It wasn't a question as much as it was a declaration of confusion.

"Well..." Percy spoke again. "You remember last year, when we were in the hospital wing, after everything that happened in the Shrieking Shack, and Hermione and Harry time traveled?"

"That shouldn't be possible, but yes," Edward replied.

Percy nodded. "Well, think of that, but, like...on a much larger scale."

Silence. Edward stared at them.


"I figured you would say that," Nico muttered.

"No," Edward repeated, his mind racing as he struggled to accept their implications.

"The reason we knew that Sirius was innocent is because we know everything that's going to happen in the next few years," Thalia said, continuing as if Edward hadn't spoken. "The only problem is that there's someone else from the future, and she –"

"No!" Edward said again, his expression slowly giving way to horror. "That is not scientifically possible!"

Thalia gave an exasperated sigh. "You're at a school for magic!" She cried, throwing her hands in the air. "You're talking to three kids who are descended from gods! When are you going to accept that science doesn't really matter?!"

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