Forgotton? or Illusion?

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Which is worse? To be far away and remembered? Or close by and forgotten?

This is the question upon my heart this chilly eve,

the howling wind seems to reflect my soul's unease.

I have felt the pain of a dear one leaving for the own journey,

yet when I receive a call or word from them, I feel much glee.

The bond between us remains strong as time may so pass.

No matter how rare or little, I'd rather hear him than the brasses.

So I ask you again...

Which is worse? To be far away and remembered? Or close by and forgotten?

Alas oh my soul! Cease thy dark whispers!

Upon hearing it, my heart hides among the embers!

Another loved one I hold close is still here,

yet how come I see him acting so queer?

Aye, he works and is soon to be off

but is an excuse for him to act shutoff?

Always hidden away from us in his room,

the time spent with us, he no longer consumes

I ask you once more...

Which is worse? To be far away and remembered? Or close by and forgotten?

He has another family of a higher standard I say,

Taken under their wing, he wishes to follow and stay.

I cannot see him, the one I once knew!

My brother he is, true, but never this skew!

He hides! He lies! He'd rather see her face than mine!

Not our father or mother, he's never with us to dine!

I implore you...

Which is worse? To be far away and remembered? Or close by and forgotten?

I feel like he's forgotten us, the ones who truly love him.

I will not hide my emotions, my heart is quite grim.

Oh what can I do? His simple little sister.

He's turned a deaf ear to us, no more banter.

Abba Father please, guide the both of us now,

Show us your truth and keep us close to thou.

Which is worse? To be far away and remembered? Or close by and forgotten?

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