Something Amiss (5)

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Time was flying by. Carlisle volunteered to work the holidays so the other doctors could take some time off and visit with their families. It didn't help everyone, but it did help some. Carlisle was secretly working because the holidays made him feel lonely as of late. Esme had absolutely loved Christmas, and the fact that she had died around that time of year made things extra hard for Carlisle. He was supportive of his family and took part in any festivities that Alice planned, but everyone could see how his smile didn't quite reach his eyes and how his countenance wasn't quite as it usually was. He was lost without his wife, his mate of so many years. Carlisle idly wondered if this was how single human fathers felt after they lost their spouses. It was a feeling he didn't wish upon anyone, and it helped him understand why Edward had made the decision to go to the Volturi all those years ago when he believed Bella to be dead. The memory of the time his son eldest son had broken away from the family seemed to surface more often than Carlisle wished. As he was working late on Christmas Eve, he found himself wondering whether anyone was truly stuck with one mate for all eternity. He couldn't be sure, despite his belief in a greater being, whether he would see his Esme whenever this long, tedious life came to an end- if it ever came to an end. Was Carlisle to be forever alone once more? Was this same logic in place for mortals as well? It was hard for him to believe so, given how long he had waited for his dear mate. Though it was hard to imagine there could be another mate- another person designed specifically for him to share this long life with- out there, the alternative was just as unbearable. He found he was caught between a rock and a hard place, and yet his mind almost immediately turned to the woman he was now fascinated by and drawn to.

Despite how lost and lonely Carlisle had been feeling, he felt an impression to gift Lily the book set he had brought with him from Alaska. He had overheard her talking about it with one of the pediatric surgeons, excited for the new addition to come out.

"Where did you get this?" the woman asked in disbelief. "They barely finished editing!"

Carlisle had smiled softly at her reaction. "My family has some connections. If you don't mind that I've read through it already, it's for you to keep."

Lily had looked the book over. It looked to be in pristine condition to her. Without Carlisle saying anything, she wouldn't have realized he'd read through it. She smiled brightly, fighting to hide the tears glistening in her eyes. "Thank you."

Carlisle had nodded, only to be taken in surprise when the woman leaned over and pecked his cheek in a quick kiss. He likely would've blushed, had he been able to, and he found himself wondering what her thoughts on the difference in their temperatures was.

Christmas had been two months ago. It was nearing Valentine's Day and his children were thinking of what they could do. Carlisle hadn't been one to celebrate the holiday and had only done so in the past at his wife's insistence. He had just heard Alice mention going to Peru when his phone rang. The vampire frowned, seeing it was Lily. She wasn't scheduled to work that day, and typically her calls had been for his advice on a specific patient's needs rather than on a personal basis.

"Dr. Bradshaw, this is unexpected," Carlisle answered. He fought to keep his speaking to a human speed, anxious for the reason behind the call. "I wasn't aware you were at the hospital today."

"Dr. Carlisle?" came a tiny voice from the other end. "Something's wrong with my mommy."

"Elsie?" Carlisle asked gently, everything changing in a moment. The young girl was clearly frightened and upset. He searched the background as best he could, struggling to diagnose the problem without being physically present. "What happened?"

"We were making dinner," Elsie answered. "She said to call you and then fell down. She won't wake up."

"Sweetheart, I need you to do exactly as I say."

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