Learning a Little (6)

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Lily woke up with a groan. She turned her head to the side, only opening her eyes when she felt her hand wrapped in a cold one. "Carlisle? What happened?"

"You collapsed," the doctor said calmly. "Elsie used your phone to call me. She knows that 911 is for emergencies, does she not?"

Through the paleness of her face, Lily blushed slightly. "I-I told her to."

"LilyVera, what happened?" Carlisle asked gently. Both his hands held one of hers as he leaned over the side of the bed, the medical book he was previously reading discarded at the foot of the bed. "I began tests, but the results haven't come back yet."

The woman looked down at their hands, fighting tears that were trying to fall. Her voice was a whimper, but Carlisle heard it clear as day. "I'm sick."

"Mommy!" Elsie ran into the room with a smile and jumped on the bed, jostling the book and causing Lily to pull her hands from Carlisle's. She sat up a bit, leaning against the pillows.

"Careful," Carlisle warned the girl kindly. He looked back to see Rosalie in the doorway.

"We were down the hall," Rosalie said quietly. "Her hearing is better than I thought. It seems she heard her mother as clearly as I did."

Carlisle nodded at his daughter before turning back to the small family in front of him. He couldn't help but smile at them. Lily was holding her daughter close. "What have you been up to while mommy was sleeping?"

"Rose made me snacks," the girl answered proudly. "And Nessie played piano."

"That sounds fun," the mother said. She glanced at Carlisle before pressing a kiss to Elsie's head. "What would you think about staying here for a while?"

"Yeah!" Elsie cheered. "Can we?"

"Only if Carlisle allows us to," she amended. She looked up at the man through her lashes.

Carlisle nodded at once. "Of course. We have more than enough room here."

"Just until I'm well enough to work again," Lily said quickly. "I don't want to impose."

"We would be happy to have you," Carlisle informed her. He could hear the others talking with one another downstairs. Jasper was unsure about the two humans staying but was reassured by the others that everything would work out. He and Alice had their own small cottage away from the main house and the two wouldn't have to spend too much time around them unless it was necessary.

"Thank you," Lily said quietly.

"Elsie," Jacob said with a smile, standing in the doorway. "Nessie wanted to know if you wanted to come outside with us."

Elsie nodded, jumping up from the bed and running toward him. Lily called after the girl with concern. "Wear a coat!"

Carlisle couldn't help his small smile. "Jacob will take care of her. He's good with kids."

"You have a very kind family," Lily said. "She likes them. Elsie has a hard time trusting people... I've never seen her this happy with people who were practically strangers before."

"Vera," Carlisle took her hand again and his obsidian eyes searched hers. Lily couldn't read the expression in his, but she could tell that he was upset about something. "You said you're sick. What is it?"

The woman swallowed and looked down. She didn't want to share her secret with more than those who had to know. "I wish I didn't have to say... But it's too late for that, isn't it? Elsie did as I told her to, and that means sharing my secret. Carlisle, I have leukemia. I found out I was pregnant with Elsie shortly after they told me I was in remission."

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