Surgery (14)

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"I need help," Lily said shyly. She stepped into Carlisle's office.

Carlisle looked up to see the woman in a clean set of scrubs, her blonde hair everywhere. "What can I do?"

Lily sighed and sat in the chair. "I didn't realize how worn out I am... Getting dressed was tiring in itself, and my hair..."

Carlisle nodded in understanding and was behind Lily in a second. He expertly braided her hair back and pinned it up to fit under her scrub cap, in a manner similar to the day they met. He spoke as he worked. "Living as long as I have can have its advantages. Renesmee, in particular, has provided the opportunity to learn more about the ways women care for their hair."

Lily couldn't help but smile. "Thank you. I didn't want to use more energy than I needed before surgery."

"I could have helped you with your scrubs as well," Carlisle said quietly. "In a strictly professional, medical way, of course."

Lily nodded, trying to retain professionalism through her blush. "Of course. I really just wanted to do something for myself. Leah's been helping me at the house, and when she isn't around Rosalie doesn't mind helping."

"I'm glad Rosalie has found a friend in you," Carlisle said. He rubbed Lily's shoulders gently. "She and Bella connected more during Bella's pregnancy, but other than that Rosalie doesn't have many friends."

"She's nice to me," Lily said. "I've noticed she started calling me Vera as you do."

"Vera was her best friend when she was human. She was the one who helped Rosalie realize what she really wanted in life," Carlisle said, his tone almost sad. "I may have saved her life, but it took her a long time to come to accept it. Even if I hadn't done anything, Rosalie would not have had the things she wanted. Those men had no intention of allowing her to live."

There was a knock on the door and a nurse confirmed that Carlisle was still going to do the surgery. Carlisle told her he was and that he would be there to scrub in momentarily. The vampire helped Lily to her feet. Lily offered a small smile. "Thanks."

The two doctors made their way to the scrub room , Carlisle slyly supporting most of Lily's weight to help preserve her energy, and washed thoroughly before being suited up and beginning the surgery. Lily had learned from Carlisle that they were going to be looking at the patient's heart after performing the appendectomy. Lily took a deep breath before making the initial incision. The surgery was relatively simple, but halfway through Lily paused and seemed to lean forward against the operating table for support. It didn't go unnoticed.

"Dr. Bradshaw, talk to me," Carlisle said professionally. "Can you continue the procedure?"

Lily pulled in a breath and stood straight again. "Yes. I was momentarily winded, but I can finish."

"You tell me the moment you need me to take over," Carlisle instructed. The woman merely nodded before continuing the procedure without complication.

Lily took a shaky breath, the scalpel in her hand slightly shaking. "Dr. Cullen, I need you to make the incision to check his heart."

Without a word, Carlisle took the scalpel smoothly from her hand and moved to make the cut. Lily stepped back with a sigh, needing a moment to breathe before continuing.

Meanwhile, everyone at the Cullen residence was waiting for the two of them to return home. Bella walked into the living room, finding Edward was playing the piano softly and Jacob was playing with Renesmee's hair while she slept with her head in his lap. She could hear Elsie and Embry in the kitchen making cookies. Bella sat in one of the armchairs.

"I didn't want to say anything, but I have to ask," Bella said. "What is that smell?"

Edward smirked, his eyebrow raised. "You mean other than the wolves?"

Bella rolled her eyes. "It's a musky scent, kind of. I can't really explain it."

Edward's smile vanished and he glanced at Jacob. Jacob chuckled under his breath. "Bells, you're smelling death. It's the exact way your scent was tainted before you had Nessie."

Bella blinked in surprise, an action that was automatic but not needed. "What do you mean?"

"Bella, Renesmee was literally killing you from the inside out," Edward murmured, unhappy with the memory. "You smelled of death as much as you looked like it."

"Oh," Bella said quietly as realization hit her. "It's Lily, isn't it? Alice moved us here so Carlisle would meet her, and now she's dying. How is that fair? Esme sacrificed her life for us and now Carlisle's going to lose another woman that he loves."

"She knows the truth now," Jacob said. "She has an option. It would kill Leah if she chose to be like you, but at least she would be alive."

"I don't understand why Leah is so drawn to her," Bella said.

"Leah is drawn to Lily the same way Jacob was drawn to you before Renesmee," Jasper cut in. He was standing in the doorway. "I can feel it."

The wheels were turning in Bella's head. She looked between the three men. "Wait... Jake was drawn to me because of Renesmee. Could that mean Lily will have a kid that Leah will imprint on?"

"We won't know until something happens," Edward said. "Nobody else has put the pieces together that way."

Carlisle walked in then, Lily asleep in his arms, and walked toward the stairs.

"She okay?" Jacob asked.

Carlisle nodded. "She had a surgery today that wore her out. I made sure she ate before we left, and she fell asleep on the way home."

"Carlisle, may I speak with you?" Jasper asked.

Carlisle nodded. "Of course."

Jasper followed Carlisle up the stairs and waited outside the room as Carlisle tucked Lily into bed. He only spoke after the door was closed. "Lily's conflicted. It's been clear the last few days. I can only imagine what all this knowledge is doing to her. She isn't like Bella."

"Vera will make a choice when she is ready," Carlisle commented. "And I will accept whatever choice that is."

"The woman loves you, Carlisle," Jasper put bluntly. "Just as much as Esme, possibly more. We all know what her decision will be. The only question is when it will happen."

"I won't force her," Carlisle said sternly. "I've done that too much in this life. Even if I thought I was acting in the best interest of those I have changed, I never gave them a choice."

"Despite what Rosalie portrays," Jasper said. "She is grateful for this. It's unlikely she would have met Emmett if it weren't for you."

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