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Can't you hear the bells singing along?

You all hear it on the radio

Can't you see the hero coming home?

Can't you hear the bells?

Hear the Bells | Porter Robinson

"Nothing beats the taste of the taste of the dark bitter liquid that oozes into the abyss I call a soul."

"Dude. It's just water. Calm down." Your "sister" looked concerned over how dark you got over water of all things. Coffee, she'd probably understand. "Sorry. These masochistic times scream out in pain as the gods mercilessly strike upon it, draining out the life of many while few stay optimistic to survive." Sipping on the straw, she rolled her eyes, continuing to browse the magazine she had in her hands. You also had a magazine, but it was for "special kids".

"Hey, wanna go to the mall after the entrance exams? I want to get this spiked collar." Showing her a picture of some goth girl with big breasts wearing a black coloured collar with spikes embedded into it, she snorted, kicking her hooves in the air to turn over to lay on her stomach. "You're going through a phase, aren't you?"

"'Tis not a phase. It's simply a part of my quirk."

"Being an edgelord that broods over water? Come on. You're a cute adorable bunny." Frowning, you gestured to her figure, trying make her look at how beautiful she was. "You're basically a goddess Thylaili! Sure you're a satyr and all, but you're so pretty! I should've been a satyr too, but look how I turned out."

Pulling the blankets back to reveal the rest of your body, she gently patted the black fur of my rabbit-like legs. "It's okay if you don't have goat legs. All satyrs aren't that good anyway. You're a rare one to find though. Having the hind legs of a rabbit and not a goat. The edgelord part of you is just something that happened along the ride."

"Uh-huh. Last time I was being poetic, you thought it was adorable because my ears were droopy that day." Thylaili sighed, grabbing your cheeks and squeezing them a little too hard. "I promise you, you're gonna be the death of me and when I actually die, I will haunt you as if there were no tomorrow." Narrowing your eyes at her, you managed to get out a 'same to you'.

The rest of the time was filled with silence, but in a calm way that didn't make it awkward between you and Thylaili. Just two foster kids who're polar opposites reading magazines in a room filled with floral that grew to no end. In fact, you could write something to describe this exact moment, but all you needed was a little more time to savor and enjoy this peacefulness.

"Gay-li! It's your turn to water the plants in the shop today!"

"Shut up Kata-sucka!" Thylaili poked her head out of the magazine, glaring daggers at the door as if it would keep out the inhabitants of this foster home. "As the morning frith sets high in the sky, the bickering of a prince and a maiden who formerly had a pathetic life is the start to the ni-frith. But to no end can Frithrah end this quarrel, for the Black Rabbit of Inlé has taken control of this household."

"You're still speaking of this Frith and Inlé nonsense even after foster care? Come on [Name]. We can't go back now. We'd have nowhere else to go." As much as Thylaili loved you, the two of you have been through more foster homes than you can remember, even having to move across the countries because the foster care facilities thought that you were some kind of Satanist. "It's just something I got from a book. It's about rabbits! How cool is that!"

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