Sequence 4: Escape

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November 30, 2217,
No one's POV

In y/n's prison cell, y/n was sitting against a wall. He picks up a pebble next to him before he throws it across his cell, bored. He sighs before he plays with his hair and spoke.

Y/n: "What now Ezio?"

Y/n looks to his left to see a glowing Ezio leaning against a wall, thinking. Ezio was too deep in his thoughts to hear y/n the first time.

Ezio: "..."

Y/n: "..." (sighs again) (mumbles) "Thanks for being helpful..."

Y/n closes his eyes to rest, but didn't feel exhausted. He tries to distract himself by remembering what Ezio told him.

Y/n: 'Still can't believe what he said...'

November 17, 2217

Y/n could barely see the soldier walking away before turning a corner, leaving him alone. Y/n sighs before he turns around and slid against the cell's door.

Y/n: 'Fuck...What now?'

???: "Hello, y/n."

Y/n jumps in the air, being startled from the sudden voice.

Y/n: "What the?!"

He doesn't get a response. Instead, a glowing figure walks to him before stopping a few feet from him. Y/n noticed the man and was shocked at the figure.

Y/n: "W-who

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Y/n: "W-who...are you?"

Ezio: (chuckles) "Where's my manors? I'm Ezio Auditore da Firenze."

Y/n: "Ezio Audi...what?" He asks, not knowing how to pronounce Ezio's last name.

Ezio: "Just call me Ezio, it'll be easier."

Y/n: "Um...okay Ezio....Why are you here? And why are you glowing?"

The figure began to walk around the cell as y/n stood next to the bars.

Ezio: "I'm not too sure to be honest."

Y/n: "You're not sure?"

Ezio: "Sì."

Y/n: "Okay...Do you remember anything besides your name?"

Ezio: "I do. I remember everything that happened to me until I died. But how I'm here, I don't have an answer."

Y/n: "Okay...So are you an assassin?"

Ezio: "Sì. Are you one as well?"

Y/n: "No...well...I don't think so."

[Part 1] A New Assassin (An Assassin's Creed x RWBY AU story)Where stories live. Discover now