Sequence 10: Nothing Is True...

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May 13, 2218,
No one's POV

???: "Tell me, *cough* do you know *cough* what side you're ...on?"

Y/n began to slowly wake up. He felt his head spinning as his stomach felt like it was turned upside down. He slowly opens his eyes, but immediately regretted it as a light above him blinded him, forcing him to shut his eyes. He tried to shield his eyes with his hands, but felt something keeping him from doing so. He looks down to find his wrists and ankles were restrained onto his metal chair that he was sitting on by handcuffs. He also noticed that his wrist blades were missing as well.

Y/n: "W-what?" He slurs as he tried to break free from his restraints, but due to just waking up, he didn't have the strength to do so.

Once y/n's eyes adjusts to the light, y/n looks around the room he was held captive in. It was a small room, some sort of interrogation room. The only things that y/n could see were the light above him, the chair he was sitting on, the table in front of him, and another metal chair behind the table that was facing him.

As he was about to start working on breaking free again, a door opens and closed from behind him as a pair of footsteps approached him.

???: "Hello, y/n." The man says calmly.

Y/n struggles to look behind him, but was proven unnecessary as the person walks up to the chair across from y/n. Y/n recognized the person as none other than the headmaster of Beacon himself, Ozpin. The headmaster pulls the chair back before he sat in it. Once he did, he pulls out a handkerchief from his robe and began to clean his glasses.

Ozpin: "Do you know how hard it's been to find you as of these past few months?" He asks as he finishes cleaning his glasses and puts them back on, before adjusting them to his liking.

Y/n: "..." He was hesitant on answering as he felt conflicted about the current situation.

Ozpin: "I see. Tell me," he says before he scoots his chair forward. "Do you remember how you got here?"

Y/n: "What...?" He finally responds as he was still confused.

Y/n took a moment to think. Then, it all came back to him as his head felt pain. Y/n groans as Ozpin stares at him. Ozpin have y/n a moment to calm down.

Ozpin: "Now do you?" He asks while watching y/n.

Y/n: " 'family' knocked me out." He says with venom in his voice.

Ozpin: "Not exactly. It wasn't your siblings."

Y/n: "It wasn't? Then who?"

Ozpin: "A college of mine named Qrow. He was the one who did it."

Y/n: "Why?" He asks as he tries to get comfortable in his chair.

Ozpin: "Because I ordered him to because I wanted to speak to you."

Y/n: "Why? Last time I checked, you never gave a damn about me." He retorted as he leans in.

Ozpin: "Are you sure about that?"

Y/n: "I'm sure, old man. I almost died six months ago because of you. I bet you knew that I would have been captured, didn't you?"

Ozpin: "I did not. I wanted to send others with you, but you're father ordered me not to."

Y/n: "My father?" He asks in disbelief. "What does he have to do with this?"

Ozpin: "...A lot more than you realize..." He says as he stands up from his chair. "I see you found out about the assassins." He states as he walks around the room.

[Part 1] A New Assassin (An Assassin's Creed x RWBY AU story)Where stories live. Discover now