Sequence 6: Their Plans

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March 9, 2218,
No one's POV

It's currently late in the evening at Beacon. Ozpin looks out of his window, gazing out into nothing. As he does, he heard the elevator door open behind him. He turns around to find Glynda, professor Port, Oobleck, Peach, and a few other teachers enter the building, each had a serous look.

Glynda: "Ozpin, why did you request us all here? We have classes to prepare for tomorrow." She says as she remembers Ozpin sending every teacher a text to meet him in his office ASAP.

Ozpin: "I know. But I wouldn't have called you all here if it wasn't important."

Oobleck: "What on Remnant would be so important to have all of us-?"

Ozpin: "We had a break in yesterday during the attack in Vale."

Glynda: "What?"

Ozpin: "Not only that, but I have some unsettling news about the Templars."

Peach: "What is it Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "Let me start from the beginning..." He says before he starts explaining.

March 8

Ozpin has been walking in circles, cane in hand, in his office. He's been at this for about an hour, worrying about the aftermath of the invasion. He continues to walk in circles before the elevator door opens to reveal a boy in one of Beacon's school uniform. He walks into Ozpin's office quite stoic.

Ozpin: "Yes?"

Student: "Good evening professor. We just got word from Glynda that she needs to see you."

Ozpin: "I'm sorry? What happened?"

Student: "Apparently, the attack on Vale was far greater than we thought and she needs for you to see the damage for yourself."

Ozpin: "Very well. Take me to her."

The student nods before Ozpin walks to the elevator. The door opens as Ozpin was about to walk in before he stops walking. There was silence in the room before Ozpin quickly turned around and used his cane to block an attack from the student that was behind him, who was holding a knife. The two were still in place as they were glaring at each other.

Student: "So he was right about you always being careful."

Ozpin: "Who are you talking about?!"

Student: "You already know who."

The student jumps back before flipping his knife in his hand to have a better grip. Ozpin got into a defense position as he was cautious about the student.

Ozpin: "What has gotten into you?!"

Student: "Nothing. Just following orders."

The student ran towards Ozpin to attack. But Ozpin has the upper hand as his weapon was longer and struck the student in the chest, causing him to stumble back. Ozpin charged before smacking the boy in the head a few times with his cane before kicking him over his desk. The boy got hold of the chair and threw it at Ozpin, who dodged it but was distracted by that and was struck by the boy. As the boy was about to attack again, Ozpin managed to grab the boy's head, kneed it a few times, stunning him, then smacked him with his cane. The boy stumbles back before shaking the pain away and let out a battle cry as he charged again. He jumps to Ozpin, who ducks, and just before the boy was about to turn around, he was impaled by a blade. What impaled him was Ozpin's cane. The stick part was in fact a sheath hiding the blade. Ozpin glares at the boy from behind as the latter was gasping for air.

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