Sequence 16: A Big Decision

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May 16th, 2218

No one's POV

It was late in the afternoon of Vale. Ever since last night, y/n wasn't quite himself. He has been silent since last night and all through the day. He hasn't spoken a word since he and Aaron left his home. At some point last night Aaron booked two rooms for them at a hotel, one for each of them. The two had their rooms next to each other's in case something were to happen.

Right now y/n was sitting on the couch in the living room. It was small. The only things in it was the couch, a tv across the room, a small wooden table in between, a chair on y/n's right, and a small kitchen and a table to the side. On y/n's left was a glass door that lead to a small patio. And to the side of the couch was a wooden door that lead to the bedroom.

Y/n wore his casual attire with his mother's necklace in his clenched hands. He has been staring at the blank tv across from him for a couple of hours, his mind elsewhere. He's been trying to let everything that his father told him last night sink in. The room was silent, too quiet. The muffled sound of cars honking and driving outside were the only sounds that could be heard.

Ezio was sitting in a chair to y/n's right, studying the latter. He's been staring into y/n's eyes for some time now, trying to see any emotions in them. But just like his father's, his golden eyes were empty and lifeless.

The sound of a door unlocking and opening made the two turn their heads towards their right. They saw Aaron walk in with a bag of groceries in hand.

"Hey." Aaron spoke softly before closing the door behind him. "You feeling any better?"

"..." Y/n simply stares at his cousin blankly.

Aaron sighs before walking to the chair Ezio was sitting in. Ezio disappears and reappears on a kitchen chair as Aaron sat in it and placed the bag on the small table. Y/n continued to stare at him as he didn't say anything.

"You should eat." Aaron said worryingly. "I got a few things for you." He motions to the bag.


There was an awkward moment of silence. Aaron hoped this would get y/n to talk again, but it obviously failed. "Seriously?" He says as he leans in. "You still won't talk?"


Aaron lets out an irritated sigh. "Christ." He says while standing up. "You still can't get over last night, can't you?" He heads for the door as he shoves his hands in his pockets. "You're pathetic, you know that?"


Those last words brought something within y/n back. An image flashes in his mind, a memory from when he was just a child. He was lying on the ground, beaten heavily as his father was standing over him. He couldn't see much as his vision was blurry. But he saw his father's mouth move and say those exact words, echoing.

"You're pathetic, you know that?"

When Aaron was at the door, he grabs the doorknob, but doesn't open it. "Call me whenever you're-."

"I..." Aaron could barely hear y/n say, his voice weak and shaky.

"?!" His eyes widen before he turns back to his cousin.

He looks into y/n's eyes and saw they had changed. Instead of being empty, they showed sadness and fear. Tears drop down his face as he sniffs.

"I-I don't know w-what to do anymore..."


Both Ezio and Aaron remain silent as they let y/n continue. Y/n continues to cry, making him wipe the tears away with his sleeve. "I'm so lost...everything I once t-thought were-."

[Part 1] A New Assassin (An Assassin's Creed x RWBY AU story)Where stories live. Discover now