Time Turners in the Bed

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Albus POV
The house was pretty much empty, tonight. Mum and dad were on a date. James was asleep, he had plans early tommorow. Teddy was out running errands. And Lily was at a friend's house.

That left me and Scorp in my room, with nobody else awake in the house. In fact this was the first moment we'd had alone in forever.

So that left me and my boyfriend of two years, up against a wall, heatedly making out.

I push him onto the bed and straddle him. I had just finished pulling my shirt off and had began to unbutton Scorp's. Of course I was too focused on kissing down his jawline and neck I didn't hear the glass shatter or see the look of terror that enter his eyes.

But I wasn't so into it that I didn't hear him mutter, "Oh shit."

"Scorp baby what's wrong?" I ask quickly. "Don't freak out," he starts, "but something glass just broke under me and I might be bleeding."

"Oh my God, baby are you okay? Get up let me check you out, see how bad the cut is," I loudly pamper. "Oh Al I'm fine I hope it wasn't important," replies back.

"It doesn't matter, you're the most important thing in this room," I say back. He just stares back in endearment. Yes another argument, not argument, another banter, won, with kindness and love of course.

James must not have been asleep because he knocks on the door and walks in, "Al for Merlin's sake-"

But he's cut off. As we all look down at the broken time turner and dust everywhere, with a flash of light we're gone.

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