Chapter Three

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    I am sooooo sorry. I am so so so so so so so so sorry. I really didn't mean to not update for so long. I was going through some stuff and then it just completely slipped my mind, and when I did remember I had writers block. I apologize that it's so short. Thank you for being so patient with me. Hope you enjoy.

        "Oh my God I need Advil," I groaned. "Oh, fuck."

       "Advil and water is on the table next to you," I heard Cisco say.

       I opened my eyes just to close them again because fuck the sun is bright. I opened my eyes again they kind of adjusted. Eh, it'll get better. I turned and slowly reached for the water and medicine before groaning in pain.

      "Why do my arms and stomach hurt? Why are you here? What happened?" I shot out questions as quickly as I could.

       "Well, you know, maybe if you hadn't gotten so drunk, you would REMEMBER!" He said snappily.

"Ugh shut up, you're so loud. And what was I supposed to do? My baby-" my voice broke as I teared up. "It was my responsibility. I'm his boyfriend, I'm supposed to keep him SAFE! I let him down. I hurt him. I hurt everyone around me. It's my fault he was kidnapped. Instead of keeping him safe and making him feel loved, I drove him away from his own home, and he was taken. It's my fault," by the end I was actually crying. Emotionless, cold-hearted me...crying. Heh, imagine that.

      "It's not your fault. You didn't know! Now get your ass up and come to STAR labs. I think I have a lead," Cisco said, and with that, he walked out to let me get dressed.

      I took a shower. My self-inflicted wounds hurt, but it was okay. I deserved it anyway.

    When I got out of the shower I get dressed and avoided looking at the mirror, which was cracked from when Barry punched it out of frustration and self doubt. That was almost 5 months ago. A few weeks before he...

    I finished getting dressed and I walked out to the living room. Cisco was already there.

   "Okay, lets go," he said. He opened a breach and we jumped through it and into the Cortex of STAR labs.

"Finally!" Caitlin said. She had a smile on her face. "Oliver we've been waiting for you, there's something we think youll want to see. So last night I was looking into Grodd, trying to figure what serum mixed with dark matter gave him his abilities, etc. and our satellite started beeping. It picked up the first sign of Barry's speed force signature since the night he disappeared..." Caitlin said smiling. "We think we know where he is."

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