Chapter 7

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*Olivers POV*

         When everybody was suited up we opened a breach. Cisco, Killer Frost, Ralph, The Good Thinker and I all stepped through a breach.

        The room we stepped into was...odd. The designs and patterns on the wall reminded me almost of shattered glass. There was a couch and a tv, almost like a living room. A little less homey though. I didn't exactly have time to analyze the decor before I heard it.

       "How?" it was a simple question, but one that made my blood boil. Not because of what was said but because of who said it.

        The way he was carelessly leaned against the wall made me want to knock him into hell.

        "Where is he?" I asked sinisterly.

        When he didn't answer I started forward but Killer Frost beat me to it. In record time he was frozen to the wall with a sharp icicle hovering an inch from his face.

       "I believe he asked you a question," she said. "Where is he?"

      He started smiling. As I was about to ask what he was smiling about, he pulled a string that was in reach of his hand and an iron chandelier that was on the ceiling started falling. Frost was right where it was going to hit, but she didn't have time to move. There was a blue flash and a breached was opened up above her head, the chandelier going in it. Then, it was reopened in the corner of the room near the floor, and the chandelier came out.

     In the chaos, The Thinker had gotten out of the ice and was now holding a gun.

     "Go find him," Ralph said to me. "We got this."

     Nodding, I took off down the hallway.

     Seven doors. Behind one of them was my baby.

    Six doors

    Five doors



    It was the second to last door. No matter how much time I had previously given myself to prepare, nothing could have prepared me for this.

   My baby was beaten and bruised, tied to a table with arms above his head. His naked body was covered in marks and blood and purples and blues and yellows. His open eyes were staring up at the ceiling, glazed over. And though it hurt to look at all of him, the worst part was his eyes. Because his eyes looked so tired, so...hopeless. Like he had given up.

"Baby?" I asked.


*Barry's POV*

When the door opened I thought it was The Thinker, ready to start his daily torture. A heartbroken voice was the last thing I expected to hear.


That voice.

His voice.

Oh my God.

"Ollie?" I asked, voice hoarse and crackly from lack of use, and from the tears threatening to spill.

"Yeah, yeah it's me baby," he said as he started over to me. He picked the lock on the handcuffs and gently pulled my hands down. He grabbed the blanket that was thrown in the corner and wrapped it around my body. He picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the room.

      We went into a hallway. I'd never been outside of that room since I've been here. He carried me to a living room, where there was a battle going. My friends were winning. And I mean, winning.

      "Cisco," Oliver said. They all looked over. The was a gasp from everyone at the same time, as if it was rehearsed. The Thinker was smirking, even though he was pinned against the wall by ice. I looked at everyone.

      I screamed.

     "Ollie don't let him hurt me, don't let him hurt me, please please," I begged, on the brink of tears. There was another Thinker. Not pinned to the wall. Free. Free to hurt me.

     "No no no, Barry. Babe, he's on our side. He's from another earth, he's a good guy. He helped us find you," he said soothingly.

    "But..." I started off, but then slowly faded off. I was too tired for this. I was just gonna have to trust Ollie.

    "Cisco, can you open up a breach? I need to get him back to the labs and clean him up so that Caitlin can check his injury's later," he said.

   "Of course, I'll check on you later Barry," he said, turning to me to say the last part.

   He opened a breach and Oliver stepped through with me.

   "Let's get you cleaned up baby," he said as he stepped onto the floor of Star labs. Of home.

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