Chapter Four

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My bitches. I am so so sorry. I've had writers block for foreverrrrr and also my parents are going through a divorce process so,'s been a messssss. I apologize...again.

"Well...! Where?" I asked impatiently, annoyed with her dramatic pause.

"...In a pocket dimension" Caitlin said.

    "What the fu-" I started to ask before Cisco oh so rudely cut me off.

   "HEY! Keep it PG, dang," he said with an eye roll.

    "Ugh, suck it Dora. My boyfriend has been missing for three months, you guys say you have a location of his whereabouts, and then don't explain what the hell a pocket dimension is!"

    "...Dora? Ya know what, it doesn't even phase me, Sasquatch. And you didn't even give me time to elaborate, so shut up, sit down, and let me explain," Cisco said, all while his hand rested on his hip like the sassy little bitch he is.

     "A pocket dimension is exactly what it sounds like. It's a little pocket in the fabric of our universe. Normally, these pockets are unnoticeable from the outside," Caitlin explained.

    "Okay, so Barry was taken into a little Kangaroo pocket of the universe. Who took him there?" I asked.

   "Ya see, that's where it gets a little more...complicated," Cisco said. "We think it was The Thinker."

   "I thought he was dead?"

    "He is...on this earth," Cisco said timidly.

    "Okay so...what? Earth-2 Thinker just waltzed his way to Earth-1, snatched Barry, and hopped into the kangaroo pocket of the universe?"

   "Well...yes," Cisco said.

   "Lovely. Okay, how do we get him out?" I asked.

   "The truth is, we don't know yet. It was so hard to beat him last time. We'll have to figure something out. There has to be some way to at least contact Barry. There has to be a way," Cisco said. "We need to at least know if-"

    "He's alive," I snapped. He has to be. Hold on Barry. I'm gonna figure this out.

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