Chapter Five

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⚠️ warning⚠️ there will be a trigger in this chapter that I failed to mention at the beginning of this story. That was my mistake, I didn't know at the time where I was going to really go with this story. If you are easily triggered by rape or the mention of it, please do not read. I'd never want to hurt or offend or trigger any of you, beware. You have been warned.⚠️

Also, this is when he was first taken. So this was about 3 months ago in the story.

*Barry's POV* (oh my gawd wtf?!)

It's dark. My body hurts. Oh my God. My legs feel paralyzed. I tried to rub my eyes, but my hands were chained above me on a bed headboard. I looked around to see where I was at. It was dark, cold. The metal handcuffs were smooth, yet still cut into my wrists. They hurt. I tried to phase out of them. My speed wasn't working.

      I can't remember how I got here. Think Barry, think! Okay, so what happened, what happened...I was in the kitchen. I was in the kitchen about to start dinner. Oliver came in looking angry. He held up my pack of Marbolo's. Fuck. Okay, and then I left. I left and went where...

Jitters! Okay. I was at Jitters, had a coffee. Thought about Oliver. "I guess it was unfair that I'd lied to him and hid something from him." I remember thinking. "Oh my God, I need to apologize."

I walked out and then surges of something...electricity. Taser. I was tased on my way out...but by who?

Just then, one of my worst nightmares became a reality when I saw The Thinker walk in. Walk in. What?


"Ah ah, shh," he said quietly, putting on finger over his mouth as if he was talking to a child. "It's not important. I'm not the same person you think I am, obviously. I have no reason to go after you. No revenge, no 'getting back at you', none of that. No no, I simply took you because I wanted to. I mean, clearly I have good reason. Look at how pretty you are," he said lowly, putting his hand up to cup my cheek, and slowly his hand started going down.

⚠️ warning⚠️

To my neck. Then my uncovered chest. Then my stomach, all the while pulling the blanket down lower and lower. So far it seemed the blanket was the only thing covering me.

And suddenly, the blanket was no longer covering anything but my legs from the knees down. He ripped it off of me then got on top, straddling me. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, then he tried to kiss me.

Emphasis on "tried". Wen he leaned in, I bit his lower lip. I could taste the iron flavor blood in my mouth.

"You little bitch! I was trying to be calm and gentle and nice, but fuck it," he said angrily.

He ripped to blanket off of me completely. I was scared. I didn't want this. I wanted to be uncuffed, I wanted to go home, I wanted Ollie. Oh my God, he doesn't know I'm sorry. I never got to apologize.

    He started touching me in places I never wanted anyone but Ollie to touch. I wanted to leave. I wanted Ollie. I wanted him more than I ever had before.

    He'd protect me. He'd save me.

    The Thinker...or whoever he was, made me even more scared as he pulled his own clothes off. He came up to me and grabbed my chin.

    "You're gonna regret biting me you whore," he whispered menacingly.

    He got on the bed and in between my legs, he lifted them harshly and slammed inside of me without any warning or prep.

    I didn't know I could scream that loud.

    I cried and I screamed. And screamed. And screamed. But no one heard me except for him. Eventually, my voice gave out, and my screaming and crying went to sobs.

    My sobs went to quiet tears.

    My quiet tears went to numb.

    I tried to zone out as he showed no mercy. I tried to think of happier things. I tried to think of Oliver. I thought of how I knew he would somehow find me, get me out, save me for this hell. That was what got me through.

     By the time he had finally finished and pulled out I said nothing. I did nothing. I didn't look at him as I heard him pull his pants up and put his shirt back on.

⚠️the actual scene is over, this is just the aftermath⚠️

     I didn't respond or even blink when he tried telling me that it wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't bit him. I didn't respond when he slapped me in the face for not looking at him. I didn't respond when he started screaming at me that I was retarded and a dumbass. I didn't respond as he eventually gave up and walked out.

    I stared at the wall feeling empty and hopeless and used. And I waited for Oliver to come find come save me.

I know I have been gone for a really long time and I know I keep apologizing. I'm sorry. But you already know that.

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