Chapter Six

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*Oliver's POV*

"Another thinker," Cisco said.

"Come again?" asked Caitlin

"What if we bring in another thinker? From a different earth. All earths are different, right? There has to be at least one that's still good."

"That's a big risk," I say.

"It's all we've got," Cisco says.

"Okay, do it"


*Barry's POV*

I was giving up hope. I've tried to not. If there was anything I've believed in ever, it was hope. Even if it was a tiny, insignificant sliver. But now...

I don't know how long it's been. It feels like years. Judging by the longish stubble on my face, it's been two or three months.

90-ish days

Almost two hundred times I've been raped.

I wonder how my Ollie is doing. I wonder if he knows I love him. I wonder if he thinks I hate him. I just left. How could I just leave like that? Without a word. I may never get the chance to tell him I'm sorry.

That I love him.

That he means the world to me.

That he is my world.

I don't think I'm ready to die yet. Not without telling Oliver everything I need to. There has to be a way out. I'm going to find that way out. Or I'm going to die trying.


*Olivers POV*

We found him.

Earth 46.

A good Thinker.

"I know exactly where he'll be. It's the last pocket someone like me would ever think to check, which is exactly why he is right here," he says, pointing to a place on the map provided by the satellites.

"Let's go get him then," I said.

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