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Sol had vanished off the face of the Earth. I hadn't seen hide nor hair from my calico furred brother in several moons after our spat circulating his fantasies of being a- what did he call it? Sky warrior. I wasn't sure what to think about the whole situation. Cinders had mentioned legends of forest cats and clans before, but I always thought they were just stories. Now a cat falls into Sol's paws, and if he helps her he is magically granted entry into a life from our kithood stories?

I had strong suspicions that Leafstar had lied to Sol. Perhaps he told her about Skyclan, and she pretended she was its leader to convince him to help her escape from the twoleg nest. But then again if Leafstar was lying and only used Sol to get back outside, then why hadn't I seen either of them prowling the streets in moons? I wanted to go looking for my brother but I knew I couldn't tell Echo. She still had her own delusions about us becoming rogues. I wouldn't mind the life of a rogue at all, but I also knew I couldn't leave Sol behind as easily as she could.

Finally I decided I'd just search for Sol on my own and tell Echo later I hadn't been let outside to explain why I never met up withe her at our regular meeting place. Now came the hard part, figuring out where in the world Sol and Leafstar could be at. I pictured myself in Sol's paws, feeling his thought track. It only made sense that Skyclan, if it did indeed exist, would be far away from twolegs. The gorge seemed like the right place. It was secluded, forested, and had a river.

So that's where I headed. But the second I left my twoleg's den, the moment my front paws met grass, everything changed.

The mountains in the distance vanished into the tall trunks of trees. The rows of twoleg places formed rocks and thickets. The sharply cut grass stems melted into long reeds. I wildly glanced around, wondering how I had teleported to this place, or if it was just some strange dream. I froze when I heard voices.

"Come on Leafstar, don't tell me you think those three cats managed to catch all that prey!" a large gray tom said with exasperation to the cream furred she cat who had been help captive by Sol's twolegs.

"I don't believe they caught it, you're right. But then where did it come from Sharpclaw?" she asked in confusion. The other cat simply shrugged in response.

"Only one way to find out," he said with hidden meaning. "I heard Sol is leading a patrol tonight."

"Of course you know he's leading a patrol, you are the deputy and arrange the patrols, remember?" she said with an eye roll. "But, I get your point. I'll join the patrol and see exactly what Sol is doing. Who knows, maybe is just turning into a miraculous hunter."

Sharpclaw snorted at the thought and Leafstar too cracked a smile. The began walking towards me. I was about to jump into the brush to hide when Sharpclaw walked right through me, as if I was nothing more than mist. My heart was pounding in confusion and fear. One of my questions had been answered, Skyclan was definitely real. But now a hundred more questions had arisen. Just as I was about to follow the leader and her deputy the scene around me morphed again, taking me now into a sandy alcove backed by a rock wall on one side, and a river on the other.

I saw my brother, and his appearance surprised me. His lanky legs seemed to fit his body now, his soft belly had grown thinner in the time he'd been gone. His fur was still sleek as ever, but his eyes held a new glow. Some of the younger looking cats were talking to Sol eagerly, and asking questions. He gave short answers, like he knew every question in the world and couldn't waste his time explaining. As soon as Leafstar joined the patrol they plodded out into the forest, and I followed closely behind.

I could tell this was the first patrol Sol had lead, he was more nervous than a chikadee. Leafstar's silent presence wasn't helping either. He made a sharp turn and Leafstar halted the patrol.

Book 4: Sol's Revenge & Whisper's PathWhere stories live. Discover now