I Like Those Earrings, Claire

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"How are you bizarre?" Claire asked Andrew.

"He can't think for himself" Evelyn answered for him softly, intertwining their hands together.

"She's right, do you guys know what, uh, what I did to get in here? I taped Larry Lester's buns together" Andrew spoke.

Claire laughed.

"That was you?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Yeah, I know him"

"Well, then you know how hairy he is, right? Well, when they pulled the tape off, most of the hair came off, and some, some skin too"

"Oh my god" Claire mumbled.

"And the bizarre thing is, is that I did it for my old man, I tortured this poor kid, because I wanted him to think I was cool. He's always going off about, you know, when he was in school, all the wild things he used to do. And I got the feeling that he was disappointed that I never cut loose on anyone, right" He paused.

"So, I'm, I'm sitting in the locker room, and I'm tapping up my knee. And Larry's undressing a couple lockers down from me. Yeah, he's kinda, he's kinda skinny, weak. And I started thinking about my father, and his attitude about weakness. And the next thing I knew, uh, I jumped on top of him.. And my friends, they just laughed and cheered me on. And afterward, when I was sittin' in Vernon's office, all I could think about was Larry's father" Andrew waited before continuing.

"And Larry havin' to go home and.. and explain what happened to him. And the humiliation.. the fucking humiliation he must of felt. It must of been unreal.. I mean,"- Andrew started crying, squeezing Evelyn's hand.-"I mean how do you apologize for something like that?"

"There's no way.. it's all because of me and my old man. Oh God, I fucking hate him! He's like this.. he's like this mindless machine that I can't even relate to anymore. 'Andrew, you've gotta be number one! I won't tolerate any losers in this family.. Your intensity is for shit! Win. Win! WIN!!!'. You son of a bitch! You know, sometimes, I wish my knees would give in... and I wouldn't be able to wrestle anymore. And he could forgot about me" Andrew finished.

"I think your old man and my old man should get together and go bowling" John spoke. Andrew laughed briefly.

"It's like me, you know, with my grades... like, when I, when I step outside myself kinda, and when I, when I look in at myself, you know? And I see me and I don't like what I see, I really don't" Brian said.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you like yourself?" Evelyn asked.

" 'Cause I'm stupid.. 'cause I'm failing shop. See, we had this assignment, to make this ceramic elephant, and um... and we had eight weeks to do it and we're s'posed ta, and it was like a lamp, and when you pull the trunk, the light is supposed to go on..." Brian paused.

"... my light didn't go on, I got a F on it. Never got a F in my life... When I signed up, you know, for the course I mean. I thought I was playing it real smart, you know. 'Cause I thought, I'll take my shop, it'll be such an easy way to maintain my grade point average.."

"Why'd you think it'd be easy?" John asked.

"Have you seen some of the dope that takes shop?" Brian replied back.

"I take shop... you must be a fuckin' idiot"

"I'm a fuckin' idiot because I can't make a lamp?"

"No, you're a genius because you can't make a lamp"

"What do you know about Trigonometry?"

"I could care less about Trigonometry"

"Bender, did you know without Trigonometry there'd be no engineering?"

"Without lamps, there'd be no light"

"Okay so nether of you is any better than the other one" Claire joined.

"I can write with my toes! I can also eat, brush my teeth.." Allison spoke.

"With your feet?" Claire looked shocked.

"... play heart and soul on the piano" Allison continued.

"I can make spaghetti!" Brian spoke.

"I can steal your things" Evelyn smirked, holding up John's now empty marijuana bag. John grinned and grabbed it back.

"What can you do?" Claire asked Andrew.

"I can, uh, tape all your buns together" Andrew laughed slightly at the end. Evelyn playfully punched him.

"I wanna see what Claire can do" John said.

"I can't do anything" Claire replied.

"Now, everybody can do something" John assured.

"There's one thing I can do, no forget it, it's way to embarrassing" Claire spoke.

"You ever seen Wild Kingdom? I mean that guy's been doing that show for thirty years"

"Okay, but you have to swear to God you won't laugh... I can't believe I'm actually doing this" Claire mumbled as she takes her lipstick out and opened it. She placed it between her breasts and applied it from her cleavage.

When she lifted her head, her lipstick was perfect. Everyone clapped but John's clap was sarcastic and slow.

"All right, great! Where'd you learn to do that?" Andrew asked.

"Camp, seventh grade" Claire replied.

"That was great, Claire... my image of you is totally blown" John spoke.

"You're shit! Don't you do that to her, you swore to God you wouldn't laugh!" Allison said.

Evelyn didn't bother commenting on John's attitude, you stick up for your friends, even if they are being a bitch.

"Am I laughing?" John retorted.

"You fucking prick!" Andrew spat.

John turned to look at him. "What do you care what I think, anyway? I don't even count, right? I could disappear forever and it wouldn't make any difference.. I may as well not even exist at this school, remember?"-John glanced at Claire-"And you don't like me anyway"

"You know, I have just as many feelings as you do and it hurts just as much when somebody steps all over them!" Claire spoke.

"God, your so pathetic!"-He then added more furiously-"Don't you ever, ever, compare yourself to me! Okay? You got everything, and I got shit! Fuck'n Rapunzel, right? School would probably shut down if you didn't show up! "Queenie isn't here!" I like those earrings Claire"

"Shut up" She spoke quietly.

"Are those real diamonds, Claire?"

"Shut up!" Claire was angry now.

"I bet they are... did you work, for the money for those earrings?"

"Shut.. your mouth!"

"Or did your daddy buy you those?"

"Shut up!" Claire yelled furiously, as she started to cry.

"I bet he bought those for you! I bet those were a Christmas gift! Right? You know what I got for Christmas this year? It was a banner fuckin' year at the old Bender family! I got a carton of cigarettes! The old man grabbed me and said "Hey! Smoke up Johnny!" Okay, so go home'n cry to your daddy, don't cry here, okay?" John finished.

It was quiet.

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