tord x shy! reader

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(This is really old and cringe. My newer ones are better)

You woke up, feeling tired from the lack of sleep you had last night. For some reason, your red hoodie devil friend had been making... odd noises from the room next door last night. You had barely gotten so much as a wink of sleep. You looked over at a small clock on your phone.
Your stomach growled hungrily. I suppose it's time to get breakfast ready. You get up, go over to the door, open it, and head downstairs. You find just enough ingredients to make your favourite meal. Perfect! While the other boys are sleeping, you begin to make enough for everyone. The meal is perfectly completed when a delectable scent drifts through the house. You get the meal prepared and on plates when you hear the boys waking up.

Tord's pov:
I am awoken from my sleep when i smell an incredible scent whafting through the house. I spring out of bed and dart downstairs, excited to see what was for breakfast. As i darted down i see who made it. Of course it was yn, the adorably shy girl that i loved. I had loved her for a year now, but for some reason i just couldn't tell her. I had confessed to hundreds of girls before but her? She was different. As i darted down i slowly slowed my charge to a tip toe, creeping up to her slowly. i hugged her from behind, and resten my head on her own, looking down at her.
"Morning." I say cooly.
That's when i remember, i was only wearing boxers and my hoodie. Dritt.

Yn's pov:
As someone makes their way down i put the food on the plates, making sure to put bacon on two, for edd and tord. I start to think about what last night was, when my thoughts are interupted by a head being rested on mine.
"Morning." Someone says in a cool Norwegian voice.
"H-hi tord. Er, c-can you. . ." I mutter, to nervous to say: please get off? I hate stuttering. It sucked.
"Can i what?" The norski asked, whispering into my ear.
"G-get off please? Sorry." As i say this, tord slowly gets off and goes over to the table.
As he walks, i can't help but notice the fact that he has no pants on, just boxers and his hoodie. I blush red as a strawberry, and freeze, staring helplessly at him. I am finally able to snap out of it, and hand him his breakfast. He thanks me, and i get my own.
Why haven't the others come down yet? The're normally down by now.
That's when it hits me. They aren't home. They went out for the week on some odd trip.

It's just me and tord all week...

Yn pov:
I realise that there is no one left in the house and i think about my crush on tord. I had loved him for just over a year now, and had wanted to confess to him so damn bad, but never did... the others always came down before i could. That, or i cut myself off, being shy isn't the best thing in the world. Today was different. Today i could! But i wasn't gonna do it verbally, i'd bucher it entirely. . . I could write him a letter! This is going to be scary, but i can do it! I ate the rest of my breckfast and walked up to my room, beginning to write this on a thin slip of pink paper:

Dear tord,
I don't know if you've noticed, but i like you, alot. I have felt like this for some time now, but have either been interrupted or other, and i have been stopped. You make me smile, and i love you... i get it if you don't feel the same...

Do you love me?♡
Yes! No.


It was short and sweet, but you couldn't care less. You slipped the note under his door and walked back to your own room.

Tord pov:
Holy. Fæn. I had just walked up to my room and read the letter by my crush. Jævla was i pleasantly surprised at what it read. I pulled some pants on and raced to her room, having no pen. I knocked on the door, and she opened it almost immediately.
I cut her off with a small kiss to the lips, answering the note.
"Yes. I love you."
I swear i could see her eyes light up at my words, and she kissed me again. We kissed for about five minutes before she pulled away and spoke.
"Love you t-tord."
"I love you too min kjære~"

mai pov now bois:
Tord started to lay soft butterfly kisses along your neck.
You truly loved him with all your heart ♡w♡
You two cuddled in eachothers arms, and lay down on your bed. You fell asleep in his arms, being exhausted from the noises from the previous night. Before you do sleep, you ask him what it was.

". . . Hentai."

You blush and go back to cuddling each other. The next morning you made tord promise to not listen to hentai or do anything about it again. He agreed as long as you never left him. You made the deal and spent the rest of the day watching each other's favorite movies.

Time skip to like a few years later!~
(Brought to you by: SuGaR bOiS!!!)

Yn pov:
I was less shy around tord after that. We got married and had a small child named *insert name here XD* and lived a long, happy life together.

The end.

Word count: 950 words. How. Mah gah.

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