●Petals● Tom x hanahaki reader

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been a while huh?
Welp, im back with something i came up with!

I just can't control the angst!

All jokes aside, this contains hanahaki disease, something that causes the victim to cough up flowers when they suffer from one sided love. This will have slight mentioning of blood and other stuff like that, so if you're not really into that go ahead and click right off.



You lie in bed as a fit of coughing overtakes your entire body. You cough and cough untill a bundle of small blue morning glory petals and flowers come out of your mouth, a few trickles of blood rolling down your chin and onto your now stained f/c bedsheets.

You had a problem. A big one, and it was killing you.

How fun.

It all started when you first moved into this neighborhood. You had gotten your own house next to your soon-to-be-crushes house, and had made friends with the five boys living there.

The only problem was you had picked a really bad person to fall in love with.

Thomas rosewell. Tom. Him. He was a horrible person to get a crush on.

Otherwise you wouldn't be dying.

Tom was a good friend to you, and you started to feel like you two were becoming more untill he flat out stopped talking to you, and you didn't know why.

That was when the flowers started showing up, and that was about a month ago.

The morning glories had started to crawl up your body, making their way to your neck, getting closer with each passing day.

The only person who knew was edd. He had walked in a week ago when you were coughing, and he always came to check on you about-


You hear a door click and a gasp as edd walks in the room, and you turn your head over to see him as another fit seizes your body.

Edd rushes over to you, and you can see the worry in his eyes.

"Oh my god! Y/n! I'ts gotten so much worse..." he gasped as you then grabbed a bucket, and began to hurl entire glories into it.

"You think?" You retorted after you finished throwing the beautiful blue flowers into the trash can.

Edd looked at you with tears in the corners of his eyes as he noticed the bright green vines crawling up your neck, threatening to choke it. You only had a few days to live, a week at best. You were constantly tired, and the flowers wouldn't stop coming up.

"We need to get this removed Y/n, you only have a few days to live! Please just let me-" edd reached out to you but you smacked his hand away, refusing.

"Edd... it's no use. We both know that. Hanahaki costs thousands to remove... and besides, it's too late for me anyways." You begin to chuckle sadly, but instead all that came out was a small blue flower, vines and all.

"Then please Y/n! We should go tell tom! Please! Remember when i had it? I told tord and he liked me back! The same thing may happen to you! Please Y/n, just tell him..." Edd begged you, and finally, you agreed.

You got out of your bed, and the two of you started walking to tom's room in the house nextdoor.

It's funny how when your legs feel like jello a walk that normally takes five seconds takes five hours. Edd let you lean on him as the two of you slowly limped over to your crush that you surely thought would flat out reject you.

The two of you finally got to the house and opened the door, rushing in. Edd layed you on the couch before rushing inro tom's room. You were so tired... you couldn't help but doze off.

Edd's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As i got to tom's room i was in a state of absolute and total panic. I threw open tom's door only to find


Nobody was there. Y/n was dying, and tom was gone.

Tord and matt suddenly saw me and looked at me like i had grown an extra head. "GUYS! Y/n has hanahaki and they're dying we gotta find tom where did he go he has to be here somewhere please tell me he's here or else-"

Tord cut me off. "WHAT!? okay witness is in the bathroom upstairs, i'll watch Y/n, you go get him."
And with that tord and edd dashed off.

Y/n Pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to tordand matt brushing flowers off my face and talking to me in English/Norwegian as i felt a sharp pain in my chest. I saw a small green tendrill wind up my neck as tord screams at edd to do something. I couldn't hear what he was saying anymore.

Then edd came storming back with someone trailing behind.


On closer inspection his hoodie was not it's normal deep ocean blue, but an indigo for some reason. Then he started to cough. Big (y/f/c) flowers started to spew out of his mouth.

We both stopped. For a long while the only thing that existed was us.

And then we both winced as the vines got tighter.

"You had hanahaki?" I weakly ask, placing a hand on tom's face.

"Yea... and you did too, why didn't you tell me?"he asked, raising his voice a tad. He reaches his hand up to yours and grabs it lightly.

"Because you would never have the same feelings. You hate me. Why else would you ignore me for this long..."

Tom looked hurt and angry and sad all at once. He grabbed your head and pulled it lightly up, then dipping his down to pull you into aa gentle kiss.
He pulled back.

"Because i got it for you, and i didn't want you to see me."


"And you know what Y/n?"

"What tom?"

"I love you so damn much."

The two of you kissed as the vines around you slowly retracted, and you coughed up one last petal before tou both were free of hanahaki.

"I am never going to see morning glories or (y/f/f) the same." tom said


And thed edd tord and matt died of heart attacks.


welp lemme know how you felt about that.

Time taken: about an hour


That's all for now!

-Floofy out

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