demon!tord x scared!reader

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You had absolutly no clue what had happened today. It started out simple and nice enough, but then your idiot of a friend had somehow unleashed a demon who was stuck in a stone. How? The idiot broke the damn thing. You would think someone would be smart enough to maybe not break a glowing red rock that seemed to radiate death wide open, but hey, that was the least of your worries right now. You were way more concerned about the floofing demon that was right behind you.

You had been running for a long time, and your feet and legs were getting awfully tired, but you were not stopping, in fear of what that THING might do to you if it catches you.

Would it eat you? Tear your limbs apart? Turn you into a demon yourself? Kill you? Make you realize the author is an edgy b-

Wait a second...

Your legs felt like they were going to fall off and abandon you, and the thuds that came from somewhere behind you told you it was getting even closer. Your legs felt like jelly, and you knew you couldn't do this any longer. Terrified, you sprinted into a nearby forest, frantically looking for a place to hide. You heard a thwap as a branch whipped behind you, and heard a growling sound. Taking advantadge of the beast's temporaral destraction, you rushed over to a bush and hid inside it.

You didn't like this. The situation you had gotten yourself in was a bad one. You were now trapped between the thing beyond the bush and two trees behind you.If this thing found you, it would be over. Done. You had no chance of escape.


That was it. The sound of it landing. You searched your pockets for something to defend yourself with, and came up with a pathetic,short,and dull knife. As you pulled it out, your hand shook. Gods you were terrified. You hoped it wouldn't find you. That was the only thing you could do at this point.

Suddenly you heard a voice. It came out as a growl and was heavily accented. It sounded like norwegian and came from in front of you.

"Oh Y/n~ come out come out wherever you are..." when you didn't come out it growled in anger. "Now now, you know i can see you. Come out now and nobody gets hurt."

You whimpered a bit and slowly walked out. Wait... what am i doing!? Why am i walking towards this freak!? I can't stop! Your head screamed to stop, to run away, to go back into hiding, but it was too late. You shook in fear as you came to a stop.

"Good girl/boy~" he purred, walking closer and closer to you. He was a black thing with a human form, wings, and tail. (This IS tord just wait child.)

"S-stay back! I-i have a knife! S-stay back!" You stuttered in your best attempt in sounding confidant.

The demon just burst into an evil laughter at this, and looked at you.

"Sure you have a knife... B U T  Y O U ' L L  N E V E R  G E T  T O  U S E  I T."

You froze. As the demon spoke, the pupils of his eyes shrank, and he smiled unnaturally wide, revealing his sharp jagged teeth.

You backed up and tripped, falling on your bottom.

"W-who are you!?" You whispered in shock.

"Why.. it's me, Y/N... TORD."

no... it couldn't have been... you had seen tom shoot him in the center of the chest, sure, and the explosion would for sure have finished the job if that hadn't, but it couldn't have been. Tord wouldn't have deserved to be turned into a demon. He was an angel somewhere, and as far as you were concerned, tord, your lover, wasn't the one controlling that giant robot. It was just some sick dream that you woke up from. After tord had died he wasn't sealed in a stone and thrown away. You didn't believe it.

"No! It can't be! Tord would never had done this!" You said in denial.

"Ah... but that's where you were wrong dearest~" he purred once more, and revealed himself. His TRUE form.

That was him allright. He was the same. Those blue-silver eyes, the horned hair, the red hoodie now soaked with blood. The only things different were a demon tail and two scarlet wings sprouting from his back. It was him. Your lover. Your love before he used a giant robot to destroy the town, and tom had shot him.

"Oh... gods, please no..." you said before screaming.

Tord swiftly picked you up by the collar of your shirt and covered your mouth with his hand, preventing you from screaming. You couldn't take it anymore. You started to weep.

How ironic, you thought, that the demon of my dead boyfriend is going to be the one to end me...

Then, something strange happened.

He kissed you.

He didn't kill you or tear you apart, he kissed you.

It was weird and soft, like a butterfly had touched your lips, and you were shocked.

Tord looked at you with sorrow and regret in his eyes. You were still terrified, but less so now.

"Oh god Y/N... i'm so sorry... what have i done..." he pulled back, realizing all he had done to you. Chased you, threatened you, scared you half to death, and for some reason, now? You didn't care. You didn't care anymore. You walked back up to him and brought him into a hug.

"It's okay tord... i've missed you so much..."

And with that tord pushed you off and grabbed you again, pulling you into a passionate kiss.

You were in love with a demon.

The words repeated in your head over and over again.

And then you pulled away from tord's kiss and whispered in his ear...

"I love you my demon boy."

HmmmmmmMmMMMMMm that was probably the best oneshot i've ever written. Mah gah i am so
MC floofing proud of this XD


Words written:1049

Untill nextime:

-Alycat out

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