Chapter 1

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'I hope im not late!' you thought, as you make your way down the hall. Finally, you reach class 1-A. You go inside. 'Great! The teacher isnt here!' You thought, just as Mr Aizawa appears at the door. You look at him. Hes in his yellow sleeping bag, its completely zipped up. He slowly unzips it and walks in.

" must be the new girl..well go ahead and introduce yourself..also, im your teacher..Mr Aizawa.." he says in a gloomy tone.

"Um..alright..Hi everyone! Im (L/n)(F/n)! Its a pleasure to meet you all. Also, in case your wondering, my quirk is..uh..well I have two. Telekinesis and teleportation!" You explain. Everyone looks at each other and quietly mutters. You hope its nothing bad about you. You go and sit beside a Blonde boy with a Black streak in the shape of a lighting bolt. You think it looks kind of cool.

"Hey! (L/n) right?" Pikachu says. You gave him that nickname because well, he resembles Pikachu.

"Hm..? Oh yeah. You can call me (F/n) though." You say, as you put a piece of your (H/c) hair behind your ear.

"Oh alright, well, my name is Kaminari! Denki Kaminari." He confirms.

"Well actually..can I you Pikachu?" You ask.

"Sure if you want." He replies.

"Okay, Pikachu! Anyways, whats your quirk?" You ask, even though you think you know the answer.

"Electrification. I dont think I need to explain it, its pretty obvious. But whenever I use too many volts, I go braindead ;-;" He explains.

"Oh, alright. Well we better pay attention to Mr Aizawa." You order.

"Right." He replies, focusing his attention to Mr Aizawa.
A/n: Welp this was pretty short! Hope you enjoyed though. Its probrably really bad though xD

My Little Pikachu ~ Denki Kaminari X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now