Chapter 13

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Yesss! A chapter, finally! This chapter is 907 words so hurray! First of all, thank you guys for all the comments. They really make my day, and a lot of them make me laugh! Next, as I said I would, I just now finished a drawing of Kami right as I finished this chapter. I was actually drawing him while typing so.. Here ya go! ;3

It was suppsoed to be a cute sketchy drawing, but im actually very fond of it ^^ Might put it as my pfp, but I love Oikawa too much!! I love too many characters, life is hard

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It was suppsoed to be a cute sketchy drawing, but im actually very fond of it ^^ Might put it as my pfp, but I love Oikawa too much!! I love too many characters, life is hard.

Now onto the chapter!

Your POV

'School! Hurray...' I thought, opening the front door. Pikachu and I are about to walk to school.

We walk down the road in silence. Not like, awkward silence, but comfortable silence.

"So.. School. Are you glad we're going to school?" I ask Pikachu.

"No. Id rather be laying in bed at home." He says.

"In pain?" I question. He said his back hurts a little when he lays down, which is to be expected.

"Well, obviously not. I just don't wanna go to class." He states, bluntly.

I roll my eyes and playfully punch his shoulder. He acts surprised, clutching his shoulder, and pretending to be in pain.

"Oh c'mon, don't be a baby!" I laugh, walking ahead of him.

"It hurt!" He jogs to catch up to me.

"Mhm. Well anyway, we're at school." I claim, just as we reach the front entrance. Just as I open the door, a voice calls for us.

"Y/N!! Denki!!"

Pikachu and I turn to see who called for us.

And of course, it was Mina.

"Oh, hey Mina." I give a small wave. Pikachu does the same.

"Hey, guys!" She smiles. "What's up?"

"Not much. Just heading into the school now." I say.

"Okay! Let's all walk to class together.~" She skips ahead of us a little. I smile.


"Hey, class. Today we're going to be doing.. Nothing. We'll have a pretty hard training tomorrow so take your time off for now. Don't wake me or I'll give you homework." He zips up his sleeping bag and rolls onto the floor.

"Yesss! No work!" Pikachu cheers.

"Wait, have you even caught up on the work from when you couldn't come to school?" I ask.

"Oh, uh- Yes. I have." He says confidently, though I can see he's clearly lying.

"Mhm. Let me see it all."

"Oh, I uh... Can't do that."

"And why is that?" I ask.

"Because I.. Turned it in already! Yep!" He grins at me.


"Kami? That's a new one."

"Oh. I'll call you whatever. Kami, Pikachu, idiot.."


"Sorry, sorry. Yeah, I don't know. I'll call you Pikachu most of the time but it'll sound weird if I keep calling my boyfriend the name of a Pokemon." I shrug.

"I guess that's true.."

"Anyways, I know you didn't finish your work. How much do you have left?" I ask.

"Um.. 15 pages.."

"Kami! That means you only did 5 of them!"

"I'm sorry! They were too boring and I kept getting distracted by everything."

"It's alright, but do them now."

"But I don't wanna."

"Fine then. Don't do them."


"Also, no kisses for a week."

"Huh?!" He shouts. Everyone shushes him since Mr Aizawa will kill us if he's woken up.

"You heard me."

"No way!!" He cries. "Fine! I'll do them." He immediately starts writing stuff down on the papers.

"Also, do them right. If you get a bad grade no kisses for 2 weeks."

"Wait! That'd be a punishment for you too!"

"Well then, you better get to work I guess?" I shrug with a smirk.

He erases his 'answers' and actually reads the directions.

He works for about 5 minutes until I feel something odd...

Somewhere along my side is burning. It isn't that bad, but it still hurts.

What is wrong with my side..? It'll be fine... Probably just a weird cramp or something.

I forget about it soon enough and go back to watching Pikachu work. Once class is over I look over to see how much Kami got done.

Surprisingly, he's almost finished; he has about 10 pages done I think.

"Hm. You got quite a lot done.. I'm impressed.'' I smile. "However, did you do it right?'' I ask, looking at the papers over his shoulders.

I read over some of it, and most of it seems to be correct! Wow, that trick must've worked. I'll use it more often.

"Wow. Good job." I kiss his cheek and he grins.

"It was boring, but I just thought about what you said and pushed through it!" He cheers and I laugh.

"C'mon, let's go to lunch!" I grab his hand and we walk to the cafeteria.


We were sitting at our table along with Sero, Mina, Bakugou, and Kirishima. We were all just talking normally.

Suddenly, I feel the burning in my side again. Only this time, it was worse. I wince and hold my side.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Kami looks at me, worried.

"I-I don't know. There's this burning sensation in my side. I felt it this morning too, but I thought it was nothing." I reply.

"Let's go see Recovery Girl before it gets worse." He stands up and gives me his hand. I grab it and stand up. We walk to Recovery Girls office.

Once we reach her office, we walk in.

"Good afternoon, you two. What brings you here?" She asks.

"Well, I've felt this burning in my side twice today, once in class this morning and then once a few minutes ago at lunch. It still burns a little bit." I explain.

"Okay, come sit down I'll see what's wrong." She orders, and I do as told. Kami comes and stands beside me.

"Hmm.. Let me see.." She does some things checking my side. After a minute or two, she looks up at us with a worried expression.

"Uh, what is it..?" Kami asks.

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you but.."

"It looks like you've been poisoned."

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