Chapter 12

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So I will do the QnA before this chapter!

What inspired you to write this story? - I wasn't inspired much at first, but my best friend had a crush on Kaminari. I didn't at the time, but I wrote the story for her. I stopped a little after we stopped being friends which was over the summer. She was a horrible friend, and long story short she betrayed me. Thats a strong word, but thats basically what she did. But after that, I started to like Kaminari so I continued the story xD This story and other Kaminari stories made me like Pikachu uwu

Why are you so creatively gifted? - I don't know really, I mean, I guess because im a good student and pay attention in school. Ive always been in advanced classes, and im in band too.. I guess its because im smart xD

Why are you so cool? - I'm not xD In pretty weird, im a weeb lol.

Who is your favorite anime character? - Definitely Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist. As much as I love Pikachu, Rin will always be my top anime crush. Ive liked him for two years.

Do you have a favorite anime? - This is a hard question because ive watched so many animes. I made a list last year and I had over 80 animes.. But if I had to choose, either Blue Exorcist, My Hero Academia, Angels of Death, or The Ones Within. The Ones Within is new and I love it uwu I also love Angels of Death, though im still on episode 3 or 4. I'm watching it with my bff and dont want to watch it without her lol.

Is there a book you would recommend? - Definitely the Percy Jackson series. I haven't resd Heroes of Olympus yet, but I need too. Other than that, there is a book called "A Monster Calls." Its kind of scary at first? Not really, but it's much more sad than scary. If you read this book, be prepared. It's sad. Other than that, it's a great book and there's also a movie about it.

If you could talk with anyone in the world, who would it be? - This a hard question because there's so many people xD. But probably my favorite voice actors, Bryce Papenbrook and Justin Briner. Even more than them, my online friends. I love my online friends! They are so nice! Id also like to talk to all of you guys, even though most of you are way older than me xD

Who is your favorite MHA character? - Definitely Pikachu. I also would consider Todoroki, but Pikachu is best boi.

Who is your favorite 1-A student? - This is still Pikachu uwu

Whats your favorite food? - Either popcorn, rice, or refried beans. I also love potatoes and French fries! When my mom cook potatoes and carrots I LOVE IT! I also love chicken and dumplings. There are many others too.

Thank chu for the questions! Onto the chapter!

Your POV

When Mina gets here, I teleported us to the bowling alley. We got to an alley, and set up our game. I was first.

We were allowed to use quirks, but if I used telekinesis it would be boring. I bowl normally, getting a score of 7 out of 10. On the next one, I knock the remaining pins over, getting a spare.

Next is Mina, she doesn't use her quirk either. She ended up tripping, knocking only 2 over. Next, she knocks 6 over. She got a 8 out of 10.

Pikachu does use his quirk, he rolls the ball putting a lot of electricity into it. Not enough to fry his brain, of course. He still put a bit too much electricity, because it fries the pins. I mean, he got them all down, right?

We continue our game until it's each of our last bowls. I'm winning, but only slightly. I have a total of 145, and Pikachu is following close behind with 120. Mina on the other hand, has 90.

I bowl, and get 4 down in total. Pikachu wins if he gets a strike.

Mina bowled and surprisingly got a strike, tying with Pikachu. Now if Pikachu gets a strike, he wins.

He looks focused and he rolls the ball. He put some electricity into it, but not enough to fry them. The ball sped down the aisle, knocking them all down.

"NOOOO!" I shout.

"Ha! I win!" He sticks his tongue out.

"Only by one! BY ONE!" I yell, pouting.

"I still won." He claims.

"Yeah, yeah.. Now let's go play mini golf!" I order, grabbing both his and Minas hand. I run to the golf, ane get us all a ball and club.

The first one is simple, no obstacles. I got a hole in one. So did Mina and Pikachu. The next few holes were also easy, all of us getting a hole in one. We go through the game, getting to the last hole. This one is pretty hard. Pikachu goes first. He does it in 3 tries. Mina does it in 4. It looked hard, so I used my telekinesis to get the ball around the obstacles. I end up getting a hole in one.

"Huh?! That's cheating!" Pikachu claims.

"You used yours on bowling." I claim, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, but-" He starts.

"No buts! I win. Period." Mina grabs us and pulls us to laser tag.

"This is my favorite. I'll win, no doubt!"

There are 3 teams, which is perfect. Red, blue, and yellow. Mina wants red, and Pikachu wants yellow. So I take blue. Thats fine though.

We go in and its completely dark apart from the glowing obstacles. I see someone in the distance, and I shoot them with the laser gun. I hit them and it glows red, so it's Mina. Just then, Pikachu shoots me from behind. I turn around, and he speeds off. I decide to hide somewhere high, to get a better view. I go up the ramp the room has, scoping everything out. I still cant see too well. Mina then gets me from behind. When did she even get up here?! She then quickly slides down the ramp, running off.

The game continues, and its the last 30 seconds of the game. I run around hoping to find them.




Where are they?!




Seriously, where are they?!




They both shoot me.

"Huh?! Did you guys team up?!" I ask.

"Maybe.." Mina admits.

"Unfair!" I pout.

"Well, I win!" Mina shouts.

Clearly were each good at one thing. I'm good at mini golf, Mina at laser tag, and Pikachu at bowling.

"Alright.. This was fun, but I think its time to go." Pikachu says.

"Yeah, I guess." I say.

"Well seeya guys!" Mina shouts, as me and Pikachu teleport off.


Fun little chapter uwu

As much as I like drama in stories, I don't want mine to have too much xD So this is a fun little chapter!

Baii! UwU

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