Pregnantancy - Page 4

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All pictures created by pencil photo sketch and Brianna Bartholy. Chapter 3 (also known as page 3) was longer then my other chapters (also known as pages) at over 1115 words. I keep my chapters (also known as pages) at around 1000 words. 1001 (Page 1), 1042 (Page 2), 1115 (Page 3), 1073 (Page 4), 1125 ( Page 5) 1036 (Page 6) 1015 (Page 7) 1017 (Page 8) .


I'm two months pregnant in human terms, since everything about me is human looking except the fact I have powers that human beings don't have.

Sasha Bartholy is around 14 months pregnant in vampire terms the best we can all guess, since there isn't a lot about vampires having a pure blood baby vampire like Sasha is having

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Sasha Bartholy is around 14 months pregnant in vampire terms the best we can all guess, since there isn't a lot about vampires having a pure blood baby vampire like Sasha is having.

I'm sure my child is Nicolae's since he is the only person or vampire I have ever been with in my whole life, so Nicolae Bartholy knows he is the father of one baby girl or boy. Sasha can't say what Bartholy son is her baby daddy (Nicolae Bartholy, Drogo Bartholy and/or Peter Bartholy), so we are waiting to see who will be the biological father of Sasha's baby (even though Nicolae, Drogo and Peter all will help Sasha no matter who is the biological father of her pure blood baby vampire is).

Sasha has offered to help me, since Sasha got pregnant before I did and my anatomy is human though I am a supper national being with powers, so that means Sasha will have her baby first in 4 more months now (for a total of 18 months) and I will have Nicolae's and my child around 7 months (for a total of 9 months). I also
offered to help Sasha too, I feel we all need to stick together, since we all are one big family now. I just hope Lorie Bartholy will be easy on the baby, since we are not sure if it will be a (vampire or more like me a supper national being or a mix of Nicolae and his vampire powers and ways with some or all my powers and look more human. We really don't know, since my father and mother were human beings as well as were my siblings who all were killed by Viktor Bartholy years ago). Viktor Bartholy didn't know I was hidden by my whole family, since I was the youngest (the baby of the family in other terms).

My family hid me in an underground passageway (we had to hide from our enemies). Only my family knew that it was there under the floor of our house. It was in the floor, you had to move a rug that was on top of a trapdoor in the foor, then go down four steps and then the passageway.

We had a place set to meet in the forest in the woods. I went there the night I fled from my enemy not knowing my enemy was Viktor Bartholy, but the rest of my family never made it there. After a long while I made my way back to the house and found my mother Catherine, my father Lewis, my brothers Joseph, Kyle, Cole, James, Luther, George and my sisters Sandra, Bethany, Josephine, Katarina and Evelyn. My family was that of 6 young men children, plus my father (for a total of 7 men) and 6 young women children, plus my mother (for a total of 7 women) for an overall total of 14 people in my whole family.

Viktor Bartholy had killed all 13 of my family, he would have probably had killed me too had my whole family not forced me in our hidden passageway that night and told me to run as fast as I could and meet in the forest were we planned as always, so I did, but I was the only one to make it there this time unlike the many other times my family had fled our enemies and met up in the woods by our favorite lake which is so beautiful in the middle of the forest.

Just thinking of that dreadful night makes me weep. I become very sad inside my soul as well as so empty as empty as one being can become. I know Nicolae Bartholy, Drogo Bartholy and Peter Bartholy are Viktor Bartholy's sons, but they have proven that they are not like Viktor Bartholy at all and Lorie Bartholy is just a little misguided she is still young even in vampire terms. Though Lorie Bartholy really is older in years then her outer body would suggest, because Lorie looks like a 6 year old on the outside, but looks can be deceiving.

Drogo gives off the impression he's a bad boy who's a tough guy and physically he can beat anyone's ass, so can Peter and Nicolae too, but Peter is the quiet, sweet, kind, sensitive type.
Where Nicolae is the old fashioned, sweet, kind and sensitive type. Drogo is kind of between Peter and Nicolae by that I mean Drogo doesn't really say much in words, but he is kinda old fashioned too, he can be sweet and kind when he wants to be as well, but he has trouble letting people see that part of hisself. Nicolae, Drogo and Peter all have a hard letting people get to know the real them and they all three hate letting people know their secrets that they all three try to guard.

Loren is after Peter and MaryJo is after Drogo, but Sasha Bartholy is possessive of  Drogo and Peter Bartholy as me and Sasha Bartholy are over Nicolae Bartholy, but the girls go to college with Drogo and Peter Bartholy. I happen to see the girls hanging around when I went to a local bar with Sarah Osborne who also goes to school with Drogo and Peter Bartholy. I told Sasha Bartholy about Loren and MaryJo, since Sasha Bartholy goes to the college from time to time to see her good friend Sebastian Jones a teacher at the school. I have also been with Sasha Bartholy to see Sebastian Jones at the college for information on different things we were working on. I find Sebastian Jones very handsome, he is a real knockout, all the girls in college are swooning over him and they fall all over themselves to get close to him as there teacher he does see it though.


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