CH12: Rest

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Several days have passed since Menrez.I know Reverend Swanson told me not to make too much effort, but I do not like to sit and do nothing. When I try to make myself useful, everyone tells me, "No, Sarah, you need rest, go back to bed ..."Even Dutch tells me to rest.

Abigail told me that I was half dead when Arthur brought me back, little Jack had come to give me a bouquet of flowers to put on the table next to the bed where I sleep. And when everyone sleeps, I get up and walk around the camp. So far, no one has noticed it yet.

Tonight, everyone sleeps, and I walk slowly between the tents, my legs are still weak, there are five days, I was between life and death, and now I walk in the camp. I approach the campfire to warm myself, when I hear:

- What are you doing standing up?

I turn around and almost fall. Arthur was standing in front of me with a bottle of whiskey that he was carrying to his mouth.

- Damn, Arthur. I almost fell! I answered, whispering to wake no one.

- You almost fell because you're still weak. Come, I'll take you back to bed.

He approaches me and takes me gently by the arm to accompany me.
- No wait. I just want to walk a little.

He looks at me, frowning lightly.

- Do you know what it's like not being able to get up for days? Not being able to be useful?

Arthur sighs and rubs his eyes, then he answers:

- Where do you want to go?

I smiled at him, then said:
- Just go around the camp. Like that, the others will not see me and you will not have any problem.

- Okay...

We start moving slowly, I can not go fast, I know my limit. Arthur makes sure that I do not encounter any difficulty during our walk. He held my arm without hurting me, for an outlaw, he is incredibly gentle and caring with me.

During our walk, I said to him:
- Thank you, Arthur.

- Well, stubborn as you are, you would not have left me the choice. He said.

- Not for the walk, Arthur. For saving my life ...

- You already told me, when I brought you back.

- I know. But I didn't tell you right in the eye.

We stop walking and I stand in front of him.

*His eyes ... Beautiful blue eyes ...*

- Thank you for saving my life, Arthur.

Arthur nodded with a smile, and we continue our walk.

After a while, I begin to have trouble walking, this time I am very tired. We go back to the camp so that I can go to bed, Arthur helps me sit on the bed, and I feel the pain of the wound. Raising my shirt, I saw the scar.

- It's not pretty, huh? I said, showing him my wound.

- It could have been worse ....

- Yeah, I was lucky ... very lucky. If you had not been there ....

- I was there. And this scar is only a memory of that day.

I look at him with a smile.

- Yeah, I have another memory on my shoulder. I said.

I open my shirt and show him another scar.

- During the robbery with Colm?

- Yeah, that day too, I almost died.

Arthur approaches his hand to my shoulder and runs his hand over my scar.

His touch gave me chills, then he said:

- So, besides being a dangerous woman, you're lucky ... I'm starting to be suspicious of you, Gardner.

- Haha, don't be Arthur. You have absolutely nothing to fear from me. I wink at him.

- Okay, I trust you. He replied with a smile.

  There is a silence between us, I don't know what else to say to him ... and he does not seem to know either. He notices the flower bouquet on the table.

- Do you have a secret admirer? He asks me.

- Yes, and he is kind, very intentional and adorable ...

- Who is it?

- Why? Are you jealous?

- No, no ... I wonder who it is, that's all. Micah?

- Micah ?! Hahaha !! Are you serious? Micah? Really? Hahaha!

I'm trying to calm my laugh, Arthur is really the only one who can make me laugh like that! Then I replied with a smile:

- Jack made me this bouquet.

- Oh...

- What? You really thought that ...

- No, no ... it's ... uh ...

- Stop, you're going down ...

He looks at me with a smile, and we laugh silently, to not wake the others.

- I think you too, you should go to bed Arthur.

- Yes, you're probably right.

He gets up from the chair and I lie down in the bed.

- Good night, Sarah.

- Good night ...... Arthur.

Tonight, I fall asleep with a smile.

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