CH39: New start

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Three days have passed. I am cutting wood, the weather is refreshed in recent days. Arthur sleeps in the room, he has not opened his eyes since we arrived. I went to a doctor yesterday, and he said he needs a lot of rest, then he'll get better.

We are in the house where I grew up. The house of my childhood, before I became an outlaw. It is a medium size house, with a living room and a fireplace, two bedrooms and a bathroom. There is a small garden next to it, and the river is not far away.

Once I have finished cutting wood for the fireplace, I go back in the house and take off my coat and I put it on a chair, I will check the meal that I prepared and I go to the bedroom. I gently open the door and close it once inside the room. I approach gently from the bed and sat next to him. He sleeps, his breathing is deep, it is almost hypnotic.

I dip a tissue in the cool water of a basin that is placed next to the bed, and places it on his forehead. And at this moment I think I dream. Arthur opens his eyes slowly.

- Arthur? I said in a soft voice.

He looks in my direction, he's still weak, but I see he's full of questions in his head.I decide to explain the situation:

- We are at my home, in the house where I grew up, you slept three days, a doctor came yesterday to see you, and he said you need rest, a lot of rest.

He tries to sit up to look better around him.

- Let me help you... I said.

I correctly place a second pillow on his back, and he sees the room better.

- The house of your childhood? He said in a weak voice.

- Yes, before I became an outlaw, I lived here with my father. When he died, I inherited this house.

He nods and rubs his face, he coughs a little. I give him to drink medicinal tea.

- How long ... how long will I have to stay like this? He asks.

- Until you're better, about a week.

He sighs. I put a hand on his cheek, he looks me in the eyes.

- I know you're not the kind of man doing nothing, Arthur. But believe me, you really need rest, when I brought you here, you were almost dead ... the doctor said it was a miracle that you still breathed after everything that happened.

- Micah ... and Dutch ...

- Dutch has disappeared, I don't know where he is ... and Micah, well, I killed him.

He looks at me for a moment, he seems to have trouble realizing that everything is over, he coughs a little and drinks the medicinal tea again.

- Rest, Arthur. I'll bring you something to eat.

I stand up and leave the room and take a plate and fill it with stew, I add some pieces of meat and go back to see Arthur. I sit on a chair and help him to eat.Once he has finished eating, I head for the bookshelf and pick a book.

- Do you remember our little ritual? I ask him smiling.

- Of course...

I sit next to him in the bed and open the book and begins to read.

his is the story of a man and a wolf. This story tells that appearances can be misleading, that you should never judge someone too fast. At first, the man saw the wolf as an evil, dangerous and bloodthirsty animal, but as the story unfolds, he realizes that this animal is loyal, courageous and protective of those he loves.

Arthur closed his eyes, but I know he's listening to the story, after a few minutes, he fell's asleep. I put the book on the bedside table, and slowly lie Arthur and put the blanket over him, and give him a kiss on his forehead.

I leave the room without making any noise and gently close the door. I let out a sigh of relief. I put on my coat and take my rifle. Today, I'm going hunting.

Going outside, I look at the house. It's a new beginning for both of us ... and in a few months we'll be three. I put my hand on my belly and smile slightly. I turn and head into the forest, I would take the opportunity to gather plants for the medicinal drink.


New start, new adventures !! But let Arthur rest a bit ;-)

I already have a lot of ideas, but if you have any, do not hesitate to tell me in the comments!
I wish you a good day or a good night !!

 I already have a lot of ideas, but if you have any, do not hesitate to tell me in the comments!I wish you a good day or a good night !!

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