CH5: Hunting and beauty

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Old habits are hard to forget, huh? It's been two days since I left to hunt. I come back every three days, and normally I'm not alone, Charles appreciates my company and he teaches me a lot of hunting technique, he especially taught me how to use a bow.

But this time, I'm alone. Anyway, if Charles wants to find me, he'll know I'm in the forest. But sometimes, loneliness is the best companion I know ... with my horse, he also never let me down.

While I drink my coffee near the campfire, the sun begins to rise, at this moment, I admire this beautiful moment, maybe it's the last time I see the sun, the last time I drink a coffee, my last breath ....

I feel that this moment is special. But tomorrow, I will have to go back to the camp, give the meat to Pearson and help the gang to rob, or threaten people for their money ...

And tomorrow, everything will start again ... Until I die.

When I get up and get ready to hunt, I hear someone heading for my camp.
I hurry to grab my rifle and hide behind a tree.
I saw the shadow of the man, he walks towards my tent. Then, in a few seconds, I leave my hiding place and aim at his head.

He turned abruptly towards me, then ...

- What the hell ?!  I said with surprise.

- Goddammit, are you serious?He says.

It was Arthur, but where is Charles? As usual, it's Charles who joins me. why Arthur?

- What are you doing here? Where is Charles? I ask him, lowering my rifle.

- Do not worry, Charles knows you're here, he's gone hunting on his side too.

- Why did you come here then?

- Dutch thinks you're already doing enough for us, he wants you to rest.

- And he's sends you? Why not John? Or Bill?

- He's asking me to watch you, he thinks you've become gloomy these last days.

- This is not the case. You can leave, I'll come back tomorrow anyway.

I ride on my horse, I will go hunting north of my position. But it's without counting on Arthur who, despite my reluctance, decides to follow me.

As soon as we arrive in a good area, which seems to swarm with prey, I get off my horse and head for a bush.

- Did you put a trap in this bush? Arthur asks me.

- No. I answer him coldly.

- What are you doing? he asks me again.

- Mind your own business, Arthur.

He stares at me insistently, it starts to make me seriously angry.

- I'm going to pee, Okay? Go away!

I told him angrily. I can not even piss in peace without an idiot harassing me with questions!

- Oh, I'm sorry, really ... haha. He said laughing.

- It's not funny! Leave me!

- Alright, alright...

I can still hear him laugh, he has the gift of making me sick.

soon after, we go into the forest, I go to a bush, Arthur says:

- Another urge?

- Shut up. I put a trap here last night.

I took out a rabbit, it's the third in two days.

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