Chapter 3

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Bzzt. Bzzt. The sound of the phone buzzing on the nightstand, shaking the whole table and the contents on it, awoke Nightmare.

They where both too worried about each other to let them sleep alone that night, so Night decided to sleep with his brother.

Nightmare moaned as he leaned over the edge of his bed, snatching his phone from the nightstand.

He looked over at Dream, still fast asleep in his world of enchantment.

Nightmare clicked on his phone and unlocked it, using the code 030.

The bright light in the dimly lit room shook him, causing him to flinch and quickly turn down the lightening volume. He turned on the blue light filter so that he wouldn't startle Dreams eyelids(?) With the light of the phone.

Ink had texted them.

<Where did you guys go??!)

(We are fine, Ink. Just at our house.>

<Oh, thank God! I thought someone) captured you!

Oh, dont be worried about Error,>
(he should know better before messing with me and dream.

<Yeah, I guess. Especially since you) have to fight with him.

(What??! I would never fight with> someone like him!

<You don't know? Error is making all) the dark sanses fight with him.

(Now that's just racist.>

Nightmare scoffed, continuing to write back to Ink Sans.

<Ahaha! Nono, I mean the dark Sanses) you know, the ones that live or visit your mansion? Unfortunately, is you guys vs the stars. >n<

(Whatever. I'm not helping that idiot.>

<Oh, Jammy is calling. ttyl.)

(k. Bye.>

Nightmare set his phone down next to him on the bed, looking down at Dream.

'Plus, I could never fight Dream. Fighting him would be literal torture.' Nightmare thought to himself in disbelief.

Dream wiggled around a bit in his sleep, though keeping his eyelids(?) shut.

Nightmare slid out of the bed-covers, realizing what he was wearing. Nightmare was wearing grey sweat-pants and a white tank-top. Weird, but Dream probably persuaded Night to change before going to bed to sleep more comfortably.

Nightmare rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms into the air, yawning. He cracked open the door to the normal hallway leading toward the stairs. He look down the railing to see the living room he had grown to love, though, for some reason, he didn't like the way it looked today. He looked back into the bedroom, watching as the sunlight seeped through the curtains, lighting the room with waves of life.

Dream covered his face with the covers to try to keep the sun out of his face. Under the covers was dark and warm. Pleasing him, he drifted back off to sleep. Nightmare sighed.

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